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  1. bucksarg

    An exchange I had with Rush Limbaugh...

    Originally Posted by TheClemsonKid Well considering I was born and raised in the upstate of South Carolina I don't think I owe anyone an apology. And I used that state as an example because it has always carried the stigma of being "backwards"... just ask anyone who has lived there. Including...
  2. bucksarg

    Should College Students Be Allowed To Carry Weapons???

    You lost the bet!
  3. bucksarg

    Should College Students Be Allowed To Carry Weapons???

    You got that right!!!
  4. bucksarg

    check out these AWESOME blastos I just ordered

    Just beautiful, hope someday to get into a coral or two, the pic makes me invious!
  5. bucksarg

    Should College Students Be Allowed To Carry Weapons???

    what kind of army were you in? McArthur tried to take our ammo away when we left the PI and went to Japan for occupation, that didn't work, if we went out we carried a piece, without you could lose your manhood, everyone very friendly once it's known you're armed. Such an assinine argument...
  6. bucksarg

    animal population-need help

    I'm a newbie, got bit with 12gal changeover FW-SW dec 07, hope I learned a lot! Now have Aquapod 24gal started Mar3, 08 so far so good, LR & LS some CUC all doing well. Ready for some fish, need comments on my plan I hope to start with 4 green chromis, 1 ocellarius, 1 firefish goby, would like...