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  1. markus0909

    powder blue issue

    will try and get a good pic up.
  2. markus0909

    powder blue issue

    I recently bought a powder blue tang (pbt) from swf. It arrived in what appeared good condition. I didn't get a great look at it until the next day, due to acclimation process and evening time frame. Once I got him into the quarantine tank and had a light on, I noticed that he had a washed...
  3. markus0909

    Micro- ID Flatworm babies?

    i just found a great thread on this issue. Search flatworms in the reef forum. Or overall search. Then find "so I think i have flatworms..."
  4. markus0909

    Micro- ID Flatworm babies?

    I have the exact same issue right now. Mine are almost square,4mm, and are growing in #'s rapidly. There must be close to a 1000 of them. They don't seem to be causing any harm. I have many many unique critters in my reef, and none of them cause any harm to corals. Just wondering about...
  5. markus0909

    Flow/Circulation for reef

    I do have a couple of SPS, and intend on keeping more. So you think the way to go would be to seperate the "upgrade" pump (Iwaki) to the DT only and leave the 700 gph mag7 as the return through the Ref.?
  6. markus0909

    Flow circulation question

    It shouldn't matter where your getting the circulation from, should it? (in other words cir. by full return through ref. -vs- pump running in and out of DT). I have heard that macro algae in the ref. is better served if it gets a slower flow through it anyway???
  7. markus0909

    Flow/Circulation for reef

    Flow circulation question [hr] I have a 120 gal with 40 gal ref/sump. I have a mag 7 for return and a 2x 1" overflow box. I also have 4 internal pwr. heads. 2 korola's and 2 stronger 400+ pwr heads. It's not enough flow/circulation, thats for sure. Not even close. I'm thinking of geeting the...
  8. markus0909

    Flow circulation question

    I have a 120 gal with 40 gal ref/sump. I have a mag 7 for return and a 2x 1" overflow box. I also have 4 internal pwr. heads. 2 korola's and 2 stronger 400+ pwr heads. It's not enough flow/circulation, thats for sure. Not even close. I'm thinking of geeting the Iwaki MD 40RLXT, which pumps...
  9. markus0909

    HELP! Anemone and Horse Shoe Crab problem!

    DO NOT own a horseshoe crab unless you have a 300 gal tank that is all sand and little to no obsticales. The horseshoe is very clumsy and quite frankly, not very smart. They are very cool, but need to be kept in a tank specific for them. In their natural world, they live in open ocean sand...
  10. markus0909

    alage help

    Sorry Meowzer........"her lights"
  11. markus0909

    alage help

    I recently changed from PC's to Halide along with increased wattage. I acclimated by keeping the lights higher and slowly lowering them. All my corals and anemones LOVE the new lights! However, I am now dealing with Cyano algae now. Just treated with Chemiclean today. I have never had a...
  12. markus0909

    Algae problems.

    1) Cut down on fish feeding. I feed moderate amount of flake once a day, mysis shrimp, and fresh shrimp 2-3x a week when feeding anemones. 2) VERY High water flow and current throughout the tank. 3) White light on for only 11-13 hours. Mine is on for 12. 4) Water Quality, Water Quality...
  13. markus0909

    Anemone with these lights?

    I would say no...IMO. Most anemones need very high light requirements. They will live for 6mos to a couple of years on lower then good MH lights, but never seem to thrive and usually end up shrinking into a fraction of what they were and eventully die. I will say that I have had no experience...
  14. markus0909

    Lighting question corals

    Originally Posted by VampOfVegas Would putting a flashlight on a plant in the sun help it grow faster? Not so much.. Probably the same effect. But it would depend on the watt of the PC, The depth of your tank, etc etc.. If you tank is taller than 18" Pc starts losing its penatration.. then I...
  15. markus0909

    Lighting question corals

    Yes, the 50/50 s would be an option. My question would I benifiting the corals any by going this way? If not, I may as well stay with the all actinic??? In other words, is the increased PC 10000k with the already 3x 175watt MH 10000k any benifit over keeping all PC's actinic?
  16. markus0909

    Lighting question corals

    I have the coralife pro 175watt mh with actinics. The tank is 125g I have 3 of the mh's with 2 96watt and 2 65 watt actinic. I need to replace the actinics, but was thinking about replacing half of them with white light (10,000k). By the way they are the PC's. Would this improve light for...
  17. markus0909

    Strange ID please

    Originally Posted by Bang Guy I would guess Cerith eggs but there are a few other species of snail it could be. I believe you are correct. The link below claims to be of cerith eggs. It looks exactly like mine. Thanks
  18. markus0909

    Strange ID please

    Originally Posted by Cust11 Looks like snail eggs to me. Shoot cranberry a PM and you will get a definative answer. Unfortunatly the thing, or things are gone. Could you expand on the cranberry? Also, if these are snail eggs, are they usually ok?
  19. markus0909

    Strange ID please

    Hopefully the pic/link below works? This is a pic of a strange worm like creature that was on my refugium glass. If you can see the pic or have any ideas on what it could be I would appriciate it. Also is there a trick to loading pics on here....having troubles. Thanks LINK BELOW...
  20. markus0909

    Lg.Maroon is loving anemone to death

    Originally Posted by markus0909 Thanks. I actually have two Rose BT's, one is 10-12" and the other much smaller. I put the small one on the other side of the tank, in hope that the Maroon would only host the first (large) BT. Well......that worked for a couple of days. Now he host's both...