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  1. reaume_23


    thanks for the help
  2. reaume_23


    They are 150 watts each. thats the link if you want to see them
  3. reaume_23


    It would be 2 metal halide pendants with 4 short T5 bulbs and then i also have a 48' T5 that would be on there also
  4. reaume_23


    I have a 55 gallon tank is 300 watts of metal halide and 136 watts of High T5 enough to grow anemones and coral?
  5. reaume_23

    what kind of sand

    I started my tank with live sand, worked well for me and I never really had any problems with the tank cycling. Just make sure you go slow with adding stuff if the tank is a new set up.
  6. reaume_23

    Anemone and Coral

    Cool I was hoping this would be enough for it, would it be enough light to support a carpet anem or some of the other bigger ones?
  7. reaume_23

    Anemone and Coral

    Okay I have a 55 gallon tank and I just upgraded my lighting system, im running 93 watts of T5 VHO white lights and 93 watts of T5 VHO Actinic's. So 186 watts alltogether. I have a long tentacle anemone, is this enough light for him to grow? I want to start some corals as well, what types would...
  8. reaume_23

    Light Question

    well they are high output, and im running like 250 watts of power compact with it as well, will that do it?
  9. reaume_23

    Anemone Help?

    The store had told me he should be fine and I can grow the soft corals. Ive the anemone for a year and half under 370 watts of pc. Did the T5 upgrade it a lot from the pc? Other question, what kind of anemone(s) would do better under my light?
  10. reaume_23

    Anemone Help?

    The store told me they are High Output and I also have 260 watts of power compact running in there as well.
  11. reaume_23

    Light Question

    I have a 55 gallon tank and 75 watts of T5, is that enough to grow my Long Tentacle anemone?
  12. reaume_23

    Anemone Help?

    I have a 55 gallon tank and 75 watts of T5, is that enough to grow my Long Tentacle anemone?
  13. reaume_23

    Need Clown fish Help

    It should be fine, I would just leave it alone and it should find a spot and attach on its own. Thats what mine have done
  14. reaume_23

    Clarkii Clowns

    I have one Clarkii that is about 3-4' long and have had her for about 6 months. Shes hosting a LTA anemone. About a week ago I added another clarkii that is about 1.5' and the bigger one has been chasing him around and hes been shaking his head at her and after about 2 nights ago shes finally...
  15. reaume_23

    What filter is the best...?

    thanks, thats what i thought. I just wanted to double check before i buy it tomorrow
  16. reaume_23

    What filter is the best...?

    What type of filter does the best job of keeping the tank clean? Standard Hang-on filter, canister filter or a wet dry filter?
  17. reaume_23

    Sand Filter

    Im about to purchase a wet dry filter system that is used but is costing around $120. It comes with an in sump protein skimmer and a sand filter that is either in sump or hang on. Is a sand filter helpful or necessary to have on the tank? Ive never heard of anyone using them before
  18. reaume_23

    Cleaner shrimp

    The one I had used to find food on his own, but hand feeding them is cool because they will come right up and take it from you
  19. reaume_23

    Coral Question

    I have a 55 gallon tank with 370watts of power compact lighting. About 6.7 Watts Per Gallon Lights= 2 65watt Actinic 2 65watt 10,000k Daylights 2 55watt 50-50's What types of corals can I keep? Will the light actually grow them or sustain them?
  20. reaume_23

    Lighting Question

    what kind of corals could i have with that kind of light? Will they actually grow or will it just sustain them?