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  1. tabbysp

    Anenome, Outside-Inside for 2 days-UCK!

    Ewww uck that stunk very much, how much water should I change, and I have a bubble anenome should I worry about it?
  2. tabbysp

    Anenome, Inside-Outside for 2 days-UCK!

    I have a Florida Condi Anenome, I've had it for about two weeks now and for the last couple of days, it looks like it is laying tenticles down with it's stomach on it's outside, it looks like it might have moved unless the fish or current moved it. Is this normal? Is it dead? Please help/advise.
  3. tabbysp

    Anenome, Outside-Inside for 2 days-UCK!

    I have a Florida Condi Anenome, I've had it for about two weeks now and for the last couple of days, it looks like it is laying tenticles down with it's stomach on it's outside, it looks like it might have moved unless the fish or current moved it. Is this normal? Is it dead? Please help/advise.