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  1. nallender

    Anyone heard of

    Has anyone out there purchased from them? I am particularly interested in how their live rock and dry rock is. Here is a link.. Here is the link to their aquacultured live rock: I was...
  2. nallender

    Nick's 75g Tank (My First one)

    I've got two more additions to the family. I bought a pair of tank raised percs. They are both juveniles still. I have been debating on what type of clowns to get and when I would add them to the tank. A store in the states which is actually closer to me then the closest Canadian store had a...
  3. nallender

    Nick's 75g Tank (My First one)

    I have been running my skimmer too wet and had a mishap yesterday.. it overflowed onto the floor.. now I am running it drier.. unfortunate trial and error.. will running it wet make it less efficient at pulling out *crap* in the water? I have purchased a digital Milwaukee PH meter, a HM TDS...
  4. nallender

    Nick's 75g Tank (My First one)

    I had my water tested by Lab Aquatics. Here are my results: definately an eye opener that I need to improve my water keeping abilities! The problem likely stems from me starting my system with tap water.. I am now using distilled until I get...
  5. nallender

    Nick's 75g Tank (My First one)

    There are always lot's of Pods on the glass in the morning.. I haven't been scraping the back glass so that the pods will have a place to pick at. The mandarin seems to have noticed as I always see him picking at the back glass. I have not set up a separate fuge for pods yet but I do have some...
  6. nallender

    Nick's 75g Tank (My First one)

    just another update.. all test readings (nitrate, nitrite, ammonia) are zero and pH is 8.2-8.4. Berghia have "disappeared" and have not noticed any reduction in aiptasia.. actually noticing more babies starting. I may get a peppermint shrimp and I am definately getting aiptasia x to take care...
  7. nallender

    Nick's 75g Tank (My First one)

    Some more pics with the rest of my rock, mandarin, serpent, and nudis.. .. need to get some nice pieces of rock to top it off
  8. nallender

    Nick's 75g Tank (My First one)

    I looked at my tank in the dark and was amazed to see all the bugs crawling everywhere when the flash light hit the rock. I have added my mandarin to the tank and he immediately started pigging out! The serpent star also has come home, along with the rest of my live rock. I have added my Berghia...
  9. nallender

    Amphipods, copopods, isopods

    duhwun, read this article.. I have had a mandarin for 6 months now and I am preparing to move him from a 30g to a 90g. The key is to ensure there aren't too many other fish competing for pods.. If you take a flashlight to the tank at night...
  10. nallender

    Nick's 75g Tank (My First one)

    Berghia Nudibranch Question – 10/08/08 Hello, <Hi Nick.> I have been searching the web for days trying to determine whether or not Berghia nudibranch will be toxic to my tank if/ when they die off. I have some Aiptasia which came in on some live rock I recently purchased. I'd say there is less...
  11. nallender

    Nick's 75g Tank (My First one)

    Originally Posted by mch2o got some ?'s for you. 1. Do you turn off your sump light. 2. What does your water look like ontop ? Reason I ask it doesn't look like you have alot of flow but, I can be wrong What stage are your 2 K's you got in there ? By the way be careful on putting nubi...
  12. nallender

    Name my Picasso Clowns

    When I get a pair of clowns I am going to name them Diego and Dora..
  13. nallender

    Nick's 75g Tank (My First one)

    I am back.. I now have my tank, sump etc set up and running. It has just finished cycling and I have 2 chromis in it as my first inhabitants. I sold my Maroon Clown Fish as I want to get a pair of Clarkii's or Black and white Percs instead. I still have my mandarin, he is in his temporary home...
  14. nallender

    Nick's 75g Tank (My First one)

    Ok.. I have just bought a 40 gallon tank for a sump.. just waiting for my Skimmer to arrive and I will start to get some more progress.. I want to have 2 Yellowhead Jawfish in my tank and they need to burrow.. I was thinking approximately 4 inches for a sandbed.. or even having it deeper in the...
  15. nallender

    Nick's 75g Tank (My First one)

    The 75 was actually a 90.. the guy I bought it off of told me he thought it was a 75 and I measured it to find out it was 90.
  16. nallender

    Yellow Tang is very aggressive

    I wanted to get a Powder Brown Tang and a Yellow tang and I have a 90 gallon tank. If I introduce them at the same time would this be a problem? Would a Powder Brown and a Blue Hippo Tang be a better mix (both seem less aggressive) Thanks for the advice!
  17. nallender

    My first fish !! (are sick)

    I hate to make dumb comments on public forums, but is it possible that the "spots" were small air bubbles attached to the fish from when you first put them into the tank? When I first put my maroon clown into his temporary holding tank he had small bubbles attached to him which appeared like...
  18. nallender

    trying a 75 AGAIN

    Matt, it's been awhile since I went thru ur entire thread.. what skimmer are u using? was it an Octopus?
  19. nallender

    Nick's 75g Tank (My First one)

    I just purchased an Octopus Recirculating Protein Skimmer DNW-110 by Coralvue.. This will be an adequate skimmer for what I plan to do.. now I still have to build the sump to put it in
  20. nallender

    Nick's 75g Tank (My First one)

    I have a choice between a used Euroreef 6-2 skimmer for $300 with an extra pump, a Euro-Reef RS180 brand new for $400, or a new ASM G3 for just under $300 shipped. Any input would be greatly appreciated.. I have a 90 gallon tank that I would like to eventually make a reef tank. The skimmer will...