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  1. shackaholic

    how much and how often to feed?

    i feed my fish rod's food once every other day and feed them enough so that they eat it all within 1 - 2 minutes. since i use frozen food, i thaw it out in ro/di water in a shot glass for a while and then dump the food into a fish net and dump it into the water so as not to add too much...
  2. shackaholic

    So sick of algae, again!

    i'm sort of just thinking out loud here, so if i'm way wrong, don't mind me. you say that you are using RO water. is this from your water unit or a lfs near you? if it's your RO unit, how old are your membranes? have you tested the phophate/nitrate of the RO water before putting it into your...
  3. shackaholic

    bristle worm and new rock questions

    it all depends on whether or not the rock was fully cured and how long it was out of the water from in between your tank and the place it came from (die off). do you see any diatoms (brown carpet algae like substance)? i'd say keep testing for another week or so. also, it's possible that your...
  4. shackaholic

    Finally got my LR

    looking nice! i'd add the sand now. why wait until the cycle is over? do it all at once, you know?
  5. shackaholic

    bristle worm and new rock questions

    bristleworms are a very beneficial part of your clean up crew, imo. i would recommend keeping them unless they are two of the bad ones, i.e eunicid and fireworms. there are tons upon tons of marine worms. as far as bristleworms go, almost all of them are detrivores, obviously not including...