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  1. masc0006


    So I just got a FrogFish, and he is currently the only Fish in the tank. Is there anything that I can put in my tank with him? I know that any fish would need to be too big for him to consider putting in his mouth, but are there any fish that seem to get along more with him? I like the...
  2. masc0006

    Hints on Lionfish tankmates

    I just got your post about the video, i wrote my previous post before I noticed it. I am at work, so sometimes it is hard to watch Youtube, but I'll look at it and respond later.
  3. masc0006

    Hints on Lionfish tankmates

    Originally Posted by Aqua_Scaping as of now i have a wartskin angler in a 40 gallon by its self, i tried to keep several fish with it but all it has done was smile as they dissapeared. If you have any qwuestions i will answer best to my ability. 40 gallon hex 30 lbs of lr canister filter...
  4. masc0006

    Hints on Lionfish tankmates

    Right now I do not have a big enough tank for a Koran, I know this, but I really like the way they look. I am coming to the realization that I am going to have to go out and purchase a bigger tank to do all of the stuff that I want to do. I also think that a Cream Angel would be pretty cool...
  5. masc0006

    Hints on Lionfish tankmates

    I am also intrigued by the Foxface Rabbit and Koran Angel. I found a smaller Koran, for about $25, and would have bought it yesterday, but I was afraid that my Lion would eat it. Should this be a concern and should I get a larger one to prevent this.
  6. masc0006

    Hints on Lionfish tankmates

    Originally Posted by Aqua_Scaping Frogfish are like vaccums prime311, the will eat a fish the size of their body or even BIGGER at times they can sawallow the bigger fish but sometimes they cannot causing the to choke and usually resulsting in the one getting eaten, to die in the proccess. That...
  7. masc0006

    Hints on Lionfish tankmates

    Does anyone have any suggestions as far as what to put in with Lionfish. I am up in the air, but am considering a frogfish!