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  1. tybud

    Pro Line 1000 Wet/Dry Filter? Is it a good system

    I am looking at the Pro Line 1000 Wet/Dry Filter and was wondering if anyone has used it or has a review on it.
  2. tybud

    Yellow Tang Red Stripes

    I have a yellow tang that has red (increases vascularity) around the face and following the line going along his back. He is eating good and looks healthy. Any ideas. He has a lettuce clip and eats that.
  3. tybud

    Live Rock

    This is what i would do. i have a fish only tank also and i am getting cured live rock piece by piece. I wish I had know about it when I set up the tank so that I could have done it all at once. What the LR does is creates a media for your biological filtration thus creating a more natural...
  4. tybud

    Purple tipper bubble anemone

    I just got this purple tipped bubble anemone for my cinnamin clown and he is lovin' it. I read from this web site that they are filter feeders and I am wondering what would be a good filter food to get. I am currently suspending frozen brine in some water and squeezing it out near it with an...
  5. tybud


    Quick question about hydrometers I have a 60 gal fish only tank that I have been using a glass hydrometer that is suspended in the water. I kept it at the appropriate level(1.020-1.023). Then I set up a 20 gal hospital and bought a new hydrometerby aquarium systems. It is the seatest s.g...
  6. tybud

    Size of Quaritine tank

    I am looking into a good size QT for my 60 gal fish and invert tank. I was originally looking for a cheap 20gal but I can't find one. What about a 10. Should I keep looking for a 20 or go with a ten?
  7. tybud

    scales flaking

    I used a malichite green soln before I found out that it wasn't the best way to go. That got rid of the ick but I am told that it didn't cure it. I then used some carbon to get it out and a WC. As for the scales, I see loss of pigment rather than loose scales.
  8. tybud

    scales flaking

    I have a velvet damsel and a tomato clown that are eating really well but they are loosing there scales around there face and some upper body. I recently had a case of ick that I treated but I am wondering if I should transfer them to a hospital tank and treat them. I know I have heard of...
  9. tybud

    Heavy Breathing Goby

    I treated with Malachite Green based treatment, and that seemed to get rid of the ick.
  10. tybud

    Heavy Breathing Goby

    I have a beautiful mandrine goby that seems to be breathing heavy. I had a damsel just die that had simular breathing but his was more rapid and labored. Any ideas. I just treated for Ick and I caught it too late for one of my fish. I don't want to loose this guy.
  11. tybud

    Ich treatment and inverabrates

    I have a tank with a pretty bad case of Ich and I am hesitant to treat them in the tank because of a blue eyed hermit crab. i know that some meds are not good on invertabrates. i have a Malachite Green based treatment that doesn't say anything about it. Any suggestions?
  12. tybud

    A bunch of little critters in my tank

    Hey thanks for the imput. I think that I will go ahead and introduce some more fish.
  13. tybud

    A bunch of little critters in my tank

    Recently I noticed tons of little (1 mm) white "critters" all over the glass and riser tubes. They have a oblong body with little wirey filaments off one end. I just introduced a 4 eyed butterfly and want to get an anenome and a pair of Percula Clowns. Anybody have an idea what they might be...