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  1. flapuffer

    Dead Hermit Crab

    Well there is no chance that he got stressed because he has been in the tank for a while. I recently got 2 of the damsels and the horseshoe crab. I think I am going to try and catch one or both of the new damsels and put in my 55 which has a Porcupine puffer, tomato clown and a red hogfish. I...
  2. flapuffer

    Dead Hermit Crab

    I woke up this morning and I noticed in my small 10 gallon tank (which I have 3 very small damsels, a horseshoe crab and 2 hermit crabs) I have tried to take one of the damsels out and put into my 55 gallon tank but I couldn't get him out they were too quick. Well I can't figure out what could...