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  1. mrdonkeyazz

    What size return pump

    I have the exact same tank except i have a 40 gallon sump and i have a big inline dolphin pump. I think it's the 2200 model number. I have a llittle problem running mine wide open because it moves the sand around. I put a 1" ball valve on it and i cut it back just a little bit. If i had to do it...
  2. mrdonkeyazz

    Hot water

    I have 1 big dolphin pump in the sump. It says it pushes 2200 gph before head loss. I think its probably close because when i open the gate valve on my return line wide open it blows the sand all through the tank. I have 160 gallons of water with the DT and the sump. I dont know how long it...
  3. mrdonkeyazz

    Hot water

    Its about 6 months old. I got it brand new off of craigs list with a huge pump protein skimmer and uv sterilizer all for $400. I built the canopy and stand myself to save the 500$ for a prebuilt. I bought that tonga rock with the hair on it because i thought it looked good. Im trying to build up...
  4. mrdonkeyazz

    Hot water

    Its a tonga rock that had some green hair like algea on it. My tang ate all of it in like 3 days. So the rock is bald now. I want to keep this tank for fish. I want a 265 to make a reef tank. I've got it all picked out i just need the nod of approval.
  5. mrdonkeyazz

    Hot water

    Here is a pic of the tank.
  6. mrdonkeyazz

    Hot water

    FOWLR...Im trying to talk the wife into a 265 reef and a 75 frag tank. Thank god my 7 month old loves the tank or we would not be talking about this.. As all SWF tanks go there is alot of start up money involved. I really want to get a frag tank started.
  7. mrdonkeyazz

    Hot water

    For a while i thought i was going to have fish for dinner but every body seems to be ok. I forgot that i also have an 18 watt uv sterilizer running 24/7. I will drop the heater to 78 and see if that makes a difference. What do you think about the chiller? The man at the LFS said that a little...
  8. mrdonkeyazz

    Hot water

    I have a 120 with a 40 gallon sump/refugium. I run a 5500k PC over my cheato from about 8:00am to 6:00pm. I then turn on my 48" pc lights 1 10000k and i actinic for about 5 hours. My temperature used to fluctuate between 76 and 84 everyday. The guy at my LFS told me that a heater set to 82...
  9. mrdonkeyazz

    UV sterilizer question

    Will a UV sterilizer kill Ick?
  10. mrdonkeyazz

    i hate ich

    i have 4 fish. 1 yellow atng 1 green chromis and 2 blue fin damsel fish. I dont have to do anything to the LR? I swear if the ich comes back im gonna drain tghe tank and buy an iguana.
  11. mrdonkeyazz

    Zoa food

    is that something that you add to the water or something that you give them with an eye dropper?
  12. mrdonkeyazz

    i hate ich

    I have a 120 DT with a 40 gal. sump. My fish came down with ich about 8 days ago. I have 200 lbs of LR in my tank so catching the fish was not an option so i just tried treating the tank with kick ick. I have lost 4 fish so far but the last four are eating and appear happy even though they still...
  13. mrdonkeyazz

    Zoa food

    I got a piece of LR from the LFS the other day and it has about 20 zoa polyps on it. Do i need to feed these something special or do they get food from the stuff floating in the water? Thanks
  14. mrdonkeyazz

    Ich snowflakes?

    I have been fighting an ich outbreak in my 120 DT. I have alot of little fish and about 200lbs of LR so trying to catch them was really not an option. I have been treating the tank with Kick Ich hoping to save my fish. I see these things on the glass that look like snowflakes but i dont know if...
  15. mrdonkeyazz

    ***** Real Ocean Water

    At 2.40 a gallon a decent R/O system would pay for itself in no time.
  16. mrdonkeyazz

    Filter Sock?????

    Just make sure that you get enough socks so you can switch them out every few days. I only got what i needed the first time and had to by more from the internet because my LFS was double the price on the same sock. They work great.
  17. mrdonkeyazz

    Loose Shrooms

    I would be interested as well they are beautiful. Shipping to 33312
  18. mrdonkeyazz

    Ick question

    I have also heard some people say that all fish are carrying around ick and that stress or other factors can bring it on. Is there any truth to this.
  19. mrdonkeyazz

    good live rock going cheap

    Where are you located?
  20. mrdonkeyazz

    South Florida Area

    How much do you want for the L/R. I am local i will pickup