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  1. tristin

    what goes good with a tomato clown ???

    I agree with that. Clown fish are prone to annenomes, they may be a great addition as well.
  2. tristin

    what goes good with a tomato clown ???

    [QUOTEI In my tank I have found that damsles do really well with my two Clown Fish. They are both semi-aggresive and seem to make a good match.
  3. tristin

    Head and Lateral Line Disease

    what is head and lateral line disease?
  4. tristin

    Head and Lateral Line Disease

    what is head and lateral line disease?
  5. tristin


    I have Domino Damsles in my tank along with other clown fish and tangs. One of the dominos has stayed dark black with his white spots. The other two are almost transparent. They seem healthy. Is this normal?