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  1. beebeelb

    Aquapod 12g modifications on surface skimmer etc.

    I was wondering if anyone who has modified their Aquapods surface skimmer or filtrations set up in general could show pictures or explain what they did to help it. I will definitely upgrade the pump to a 900 but I do notice that surface of the water seems to get a build up and there's nothing...
  2. beebeelb

    New to Aggressive - making my list...

    My list keeps getting shorter...
  3. beebeelb

    New to Aggressive - making my list...

    Yes this is definitely true... I kept 4 tangs that shouldn't have gotten along but with space and being added at the right time and size they all got along famously! But I'm still wondering if the spines of the Lionfish are venomous why would the puffer/trigger nip at them... we were pondering...
  4. beebeelb

    New to Aggressive - making my list...

    All triggers are just full of personality.. I don't think the Clown and Humu differ in size though... Just that the Clowns are known to turn into holy terrors when they mature... All Triggers are aggressive so I'm leaning towards the Clown for it's looks... what can I say I'm a Fashion DEsigner...
  5. beebeelb

    Clown Trigger Experiences?

    I am wondering if anyone can share their story of owning a Clown Trigger and elaborate on the details because I am really wanting one and I have read all the advice but want to hear real accounts... from the beginning to the end or hopefully no end!
  6. beebeelb

    Aggresive FOWLR tank

    Yeah I had a green spotted brack puffer at one time also... just loved him! That's why I am going aggressive now... I also have a Nano cube for my coral fetish.
  7. beebeelb

    Aggresive FOWLR tank

    This is always true... and it sounds like you have an awesome LFS that won't steer you wrong... but ultimately science tells the truth and I am thinking that a since the Lionfishes fins are indeed venomous it wouldn't be great meal for the Puffer and he would likely stay away... do let me know...
  8. beebeelb

    New to Aggressive - making my list...

    Yeah I'm really bummed that God made the coolest fish be the one that has the worst temper... (like my husband) hahaaa... I like the Humu too... maybe someday I'll have a tank just for my clown trigger... for now I don't think I want to take my chances... thanks for the feed back... I try not to...
  9. beebeelb

    Aggresive FOWLR tank

    Okay I'm chiming in here because I posted a similar thread about what to stock my new aggressive tank with and got the advice to cross the Lionfish off my list if I was going to get a Puffer or Trigger because they would nip him to death. Makes sense on one hand but on the other had aren't the...
  10. beebeelb

    New to Aggressive - making my list...

    Thank You! I read that the Trigger could possibly grow to be the last man standing so to speak so I am really apprehensive about it... but I know that I want a puffer so if in that case I have to cross the Lionfish off my list than so be it. Cool to look at but not a good trade for all the...
  11. beebeelb

    New to Aggressive - making my list...

    Hi there, all of you who have been keeping aggressive fish, I am not new to salt or reef but have recently lost all my fat & healthy Tangs due to us having to move. In short I have a 60 gallon long 3 yrs established... and now cycling again... so in the time we have and with the loss of our...