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  1. pibulljc

    yellow tang?

    what can i feed my tang besides sea veggies,frozen,and flake?
  2. pibulljc

    snowflake question?

    i had my snowflake for about a year he was small when i got him nows hes bigger and out of the rock now ,i worry the way he goes around my marron clown and angel,when he gets almost full grown will he try to eat my fish? thanks for any advice
  3. pibulljc

    what is the best tthings to feed angel?

    thanks for responding,you guys are great.
  4. pibulljc

    what is the best tthings to feed angel?

    I have an emperor angel and i read where they like sponge and brine and plankton,where do i find sponge, and what else should i feed?
  5. pibulljc

    whats the best things to feed angel?

    I keep reading where angel like sponge,shrimp,brine,ect..I been feeding plankton,brine and sea veggies on a clip.My emperor angel picks certain things out of the plankton but where do i find food sponge and all the natural stuff he would be use to in the wild? any suggestions would help
  6. pibulljc

    Help Anyone Please!! Emergency!

    becareful givig dips,u can do more harm than good sometimes,i would do a water change and feed your fish food soaked in garlic
  7. pibulljc

    romaine lettuce?

    Will my emperor angel eat romaine lettuce or what food can i give it beside bine,plankton and i have sea veggies on a clip. any ideas on what to feed will help
  8. pibulljc

    MAROON CLOWNS ? ? (Daised)

    i tried adding another clown in with mine and he tried to kill the new sebae clown soon as he hit the water.Thats why i picked my marroon clown i like him the best out of the clowns,if there wasnt a war i would put different clowns in my tank but i know what would happen.
  9. pibulljc

    angel looks better, now what should i do?

    i lowered the salinity and the white spots are gone,i cleaned and changed my filters,should i lower the salinity more or do another water change at the same salinity. What kind of garlic should i put on the frozen food and how much? did my angel really get rid of the ich that fast or was it...
  10. pibulljc

    whats the best cure for ich on angel fish?

    the reason i think he has ich is because they are little sugar sized white spots on him,i thought that was ich, my other fish have been fine the last 18 months,do u think it could be something else?
  11. pibulljc

    what chemicals do i put in a hospital tank?

    my new angel has ich i just lowered the salinity a little and i plan to do more,but if i go with a QT tank what chemicals should i use?
  12. pibulljc


    MY ANGEL i brought home has some whit spots on it should i start a QT tank now or what should i do ,ijust lowered the salinity,im getting galic extract in the morning i dont know where though,if i do a QT what should i put in the water
  13. pibulljc

    terry what should i do?

    thanks for helping me,I was planning on getting a lion yesterday and then i found this emperor angel and i lved it,i got it 4 a price i couldnt pass$35, so i brought it home now he got some spots what would u do imstaying on ill probably have more Q. THANK U
  14. pibulljc

    whats the best cure for ich on angel fish?

    i have a 55gal. tring to get a 125gal. i have marroon clown, snow eel royal gramma 3 starfish,sea cucumber,snails crabs what should i do?
  15. pibulljc

    what is hyposalinity?

    im taking a guess and saying u drop your salinity but im not sure,it seems alot in hear like to do it, im just hoping my UV i have and the garlic extract i have to get tommorrow will get rid of the ich on my angel Will these remedys work?
  16. pibulljc

    whats the best cure for ich on angel fish?

    I just got an emperor angel yesterday, i noticed some white spots today , i dont have a QT tank,should i let him try to beat it with the help of my UV and maybe get garlic extract for food,with a water change,or buy a 10 gal. and try quarentineing him now? any sugg. would help and i do plan on...
  17. pibulljc

    selcon or garlic?

    i dont know what to put on my frozen food, i keep hearing both get mentioned but im not sure what works,any help?I just got an emperor angel and im seeing spots will these addid. work
  18. pibulljc

    what type of bottom should i go with

    i want to get a 125gal.and i dont know whats the best size arragonite to go with,i like the sand arrag.,but in my 55gal. i have the small crushed and ive had success. is the sand harder to keep clean,and wich ones most beneficial?
  19. pibulljc

    snowflake eel?

    my eel is about the diameter of your thumb,he leaves my fish aone now,i just got an emperor angel,will the eel go afer my med. size fish when he gets bigger?
  20. pibulljc

    what do i put on my frozen food ?

    im not sure what do put on my frozen food someone mentione selcon and i dont have a clue about it.i just got a emperor angel and its eating plankton and brine but i want to make sure im giving enough nutrients. any info would help