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  1. tidalwave2132

    Black dots on my two clown fish

    i have two clownfish and when i came home today my lil one has a bunch of black dots on him and the bigger one has a couple black dots anyone know why???
  2. tidalwave2132

    Changing filteration system can that screw up your tank???

    know where i could buy one online for cheap?
  3. tidalwave2132

    Changing filteration system can that screw up your tank???

    Well i bought this hang on filter from a saltwater fish store only. but i dont have a sump or a protein skimmer i want to get a protein skimmer but i cant find one affordable enough plus i just need a small in tank skimmer sense my tank is only 30 gallons
  4. tidalwave2132

    Changing filteration system can that screw up your tank???

    About a month ago i got rid of the filter system i bought with my tank it was one of those beginner tank setups and my tank has been running for 8 months the new filter system i put on is a aqua clear hang on filter and sense i changed filters my algae has died on the live rock brown stuff is...
  5. tidalwave2132

    Still having troubles with stupid nitrate!!!

    alrighty ill try that thanks a bunch!!!!
  6. tidalwave2132

    Still having troubles with stupid nitrate!!!

    what are some good sand sifters? i know theres a sand sifting starfish but what else?
  7. tidalwave2132

    Still having troubles with stupid nitrate!!!

    i have had my tank for about 8 months and i just got the lighting system last month, and they are on from 2 pm to 11pm i dont keep the lights on when im not home. Weird thing is i have my own nitrate test and it shows around 50 but to double check i to it to my lfs and they tested close to 90...
  8. tidalwave2132

    Still having troubles with stupid nitrate!!!

    Ok i did a 15 gallon water change on my 30 gallon tank and the nitrate levels are still running just below 90!!! I only use ro water never tap, i have two powerheads, a aquaclear filter thats rated for a 50 gallon tank, t5 ho lighting, i have two false clowns, 10 red leg crabs, 3 nassurius...
  9. tidalwave2132

    quick question about red legs

    ouch my lfs sells red legs for 99 cents a piece i have 30 gallon and i have 10 red legs and they really help with my algae probelm on my live rocks and ive never had a problem with them
  10. tidalwave2132

    aiptasia-x Question

    i used aptasia x on about 5 aptasias and my tank was totally fine no problems at all.
  11. tidalwave2132

    Nitrate Problems!

    sand bed is a solid 3 inches deep maybe lil more, and i at least have 25lbs of live rock
  12. tidalwave2132

    Nitrate Problems!

    ok ill stir the sand but will it hurt for a 5 gallon jug with salt already pre mixed to sit for around a week? cuz i can get another 5 gallon jug for free ill snag one from my work oh and the jugs have a screw on top so nothing can get into them
  13. tidalwave2132

    Nitrate Problems!

    i have the fiji sand, so i buy ro water with salt mixed in it already how long can it sit because if i do 3 gallons a week im going to buy another 5 gallon jug so i have two that way i dont have to make trips every week to the fish store
  14. tidalwave2132

    Nitrate Problems!

  15. tidalwave2132

    Nitrate Problems!

    every 2 weeks i do a water change and i got two powerheads and a aqua clear hang on filter rated for a 50 gallon tank
  16. tidalwave2132

    Nitrate Problems!

    my tank is about 9 months old and i feed twice a day usually flakes and sometimes frozen brine shrimp but if its the shrimp its only once a day
  17. tidalwave2132

    Nitrate Problems!

    i dont know the exact number because i took some test water to my lfs and they tested it and they use a test where it changed color and it turned dark pink so a high amount of nitrate
  18. tidalwave2132

    Huma Huma trigger fish trouble

    haha yeah the shrimp didnt last long the trigger got him at night cuz i went to bed one night woke up and shrimpy was gone! and he eventually got the hermit crab although they had some good battles. i actually just got rid of him cuz i want coral and i need inverts to clean up my tank so traded...
  19. tidalwave2132

    Nitrate Problems!

    Ok i wanna start putting coral in my tank its a 30 gallon with good amount of live rock t5 ho lighting and i have two clowns, sally crab, and 8 red leg hermits and some nassuris snails, but before i go buy some i tested my tank and my nitrate level is high everything else ph 8.1 ammonia 0 and...
  20. tidalwave2132

    Clean up Crew for a trigger tank

    i use to have a huma huma trigger and he ate everything i tried to put in, only thing he never bothered was my sand sifting starfish. But eventually i gave him to my lps got a discount on some inverts to clean my dirty tank haha