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  1. adam132601

    Setting up a 90 the right way

    Originally Posted by Mr_X get your salinity up to .025-.026. this is what their natural habitat was, before we decided to abduct them into our tanks. On a somewhat similar paralell, if we would only treat the ocean as well as we treat our own mimi-oceansystems. All that golf course runoff...
  2. adam132601

    air chemicals? (flea bomb)

    If you've done it many many times it way not be working as well as you think! :) Just playing. When our house got tented I erred on the side of cation and did the following; I moved all the fish and lr into rubbermade containers and to a friends house for a few days. I drained the tank down...
  3. adam132601

    Setting up a 90 the right way

    What water parameters should I be aiming to get to be able to keep a well balanced sysem and be ready to introduce a new fish? What temp do you prefer to keep your system at?
  4. adam132601

    Setting up a 90 the right way

    Thanks Mr. X Do you mean a 2 bulb PC? I just figured it was all dead from all the slime algae covering everyhting. My salinity was way low so that may have killed off live rock stuff too. I am bringing it back up slowly now.
  5. adam132601

    Setting up a 90 the right way

    Thanks for the suggestions! What kind of paint would you use so the fumes dont mess with the aquarium? I think blue is the way to go. I have a RO unit on the way to change water with in the future. I tend to have a lot of water evaporating and a lot of salt crusting up every day. I may do...
  6. adam132601

    Setting up a 90 the right way

    Hello! This site seems awesome here. I moved this over from the fish only area since these questions are beginner questions. I have a 90 gal setup with the same few fish for the last 4 years or so. I was out of state so someone else was caring for it. Now I'm back and want to get it set up...
  7. adam132601

    Detritus and algae eaters

    Oops. Forgot the pictures. Tank Loose algae on bottom Slime like stuff on rocks
  8. adam132601

    Detritus and algae eaters

    moved to new hobbyists