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  1. eryn

    ID possible anemone?

    Ok well there was nothing else on the rock so I just threw it in boiling water... Hopefully that will do the trick!
  2. eryn

    ID possible anemone?

    Thanks cranberry! I definitely need to get them out then, I edited my last post it seems while you were responded to ask about peppermint shrimp! Luckily since I found it before I got everything in there I can change my stocking plan to accommodate the peppermint shrimp, just need to know what...
  3. eryn

    ID possible anemone?

    I hadn't heard of them, so I searched on the board and it seems like everyone that is complaining about them has a reef tank, I plan on keeping this tank a FOWLR so is there really a reason to get rid of them? I only see the one so far... *Edited* I haven't added much of a cleaning crew tank...
  4. eryn

    ID possible anemone?

    I noticed this little guy on a piece of LR in my tank today! It sure looks like an anemone to me but I'm not sure?!?! It is tiny so I'm sorry the picture isn't better but it is only about an 1" in diameter so I had to zoom a lot to get a good shot! Thanks everyone!