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  1. mrmoses

    Water Test Results

    Originally Posted by salt210 how have the test results been before? are these the only results that you have? remember trites then ammonia then trates. it might just be starting It went like this Ammonia: 8.0 Nitrites: 0 Nitrates: 20 Then: Ammonia: 0 Nitrites: 1.0 Nitrates: 0 Now: Ammonia: 0...
  2. mrmoses

    Water Test Results

    Water Test Results. Okay, I am cycling my tank with uncured vanuatu, it has been going for 2 weeks. I am showing: Ammonia: 0 Nitrite: .25 Nitrate: 0 How can my Ammonia and Nitrite be going down and my Nitrate drop to 0 without a water change? Is there something going on in my tank that gets rid...
  3. mrmoses also NEED IDEAS ALSO!!!!!!

    I am going to get a whale shark.
  4. mrmoses

    Cycle questions

    Originally Posted by BizzMoneyB have you added anything to the tank to get the bacteria going? like a piece of shrimp or something? Would a piece of shrimp do any good since there is uncured live rock already in there?
  5. mrmoses

    Cycle questions

    Originally Posted by natclanwy Yes you need to do a water change and you will have to do a couple of very large (50%) water changes to reduce your ammonia down to acceptable levels. This is only really critical if you are cycling with live rock or with fish anything above 2 will kill any live...
  6. mrmoses

    Newest Fish - Blueline Angel

    Your fish is awesome
  7. mrmoses

    Cycle questions

    Hello, I am cycling my 72 gallon bow front tank and my ammonia is super high, 8.0 at least. Should I just let my tank be or should I do a water change to help it along? I am running a G2 Skimmer in my sump and I do not have a refugium because there is no room in my sump for one :( I wish I...
  8. mrmoses

    clown chasing six line wrasse

    Maybe it is a motherly instinct coming into play
  9. mrmoses

    Help cobwebs on my curing rock

    If it is from a snail that leaves disgusting stuff around the rocks at the rate that this stuff showed up, if I find him he is DEAD!!!!! Snails are slow though seems like I would have seen him.
  10. mrmoses

    Help cobwebs on my curing rock

    When I see it, It seems like some sort of fungus. yuck. here are some pictures. Sorry about the quality.
  11. mrmoses

    Help cobwebs on my curing rock

    Help I am on my third day curing rock and there is this white junk spreading throughout . It looks like coebs!!! Some of the coralone that came with the rock is going away too.
  12. mrmoses

    Reef Safe Clarification

    What does this mean? Reef Safe: NO Coral Safe: YES
  13. mrmoses

    "Use Caution" fishies

    Think a flame angel or coral beauty would be compatiable with a yellowstipe maroon clown tank bred?
  14. mrmoses

    "Use Caution" fishies

    So, to those who do own a flame angel or coral beauty, did you add those fish before adding corals or after and do you think it matters?
  15. mrmoses

    "Use Caution" fishies

    Hello, How compatible are dwarf angels and coral. Most websites say use caution. When they say use caution what exactly do they mean? Do the fish generally kill coral or just sometimes? Anyone with any experience with coral and fish tagged use caution?
  16. mrmoses

    Vanuatu Live Rock

    Originally Posted by It's Chuck yes it is nice rock but please don't mention SWF competitors. Expect mods to edit your post You are not a mod, so you do not need to police my post.
  17. mrmoses

    Vanuatu Live Rock

    Does anyone have any experience with Vanuatu Live rock? Is it a good rock, does it make a good rock formation? I am thinking of getting some from live aquaria but I am unsure.
  18. mrmoses

    Fish List

    Originally Posted by jackri I can tell you right away you'll get flak for wanting to big long tangs in a tank that size. I would recommend ONLY a yellow, purple or sailfin in such a set up... or you could push it and get a long body species. If you get a mandarin --- have lots of live rock...
  19. mrmoses

    Fish List

    Hello, I am picking fish to put in my 72 gallon bowfrotn tank. I need you guys to help me out on this one. 1) 2 Occelaris clowns -or- 2 maroon clowns (tank raised, too aggressive?) 2) Powder Brown Tang -or- Power blue tang -or- blue and yellow hippo tang 3) At some point I wanted to have a...
  20. mrmoses

    Return pump for 72 Gal

    Okay cool, thanks guys.