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  1. username.

    any good books ?

    i was wondering if anyone could point me towards a couple good books any suggestions would be great thanks alot
  2. username.

    New hitchhikers!

    um well could be a pyramid snail then without a pic tho really cant id it
  3. username.

    New hitchhikers!

    without a pic i cant say exactly but i would say the slug looking one is a stometella snail harmless alagae grazer, but the other sounds like a sundial snail which arnt good you should google these names and compare some pics to what you saw other wise no one will be able to tell you for sure
  4. username.

    fish sick, white stringy poop

    not a good idea to treat your main tank best bet is to set up a qt tank if you can and treat the fish in there as for the treatment im not much help some one should chime in here soon
  5. username.

    Fish are dying!

    stringy poo is usualy a sign of parasites or bacterial infections you should check out the desease furom and look for some treatments
  6. username.

    Are there digitle test kits?

    do a google search for aquarium test equipment, that should bring up some sites that carry them
  7. username.

    Current & clownfish

    my clowns do it as well pretty normal behavor but keep an eye on them because it could be a sign of them trying to shake off parisites or they just want to get a little exercise
  8. username.

    Kalkwasser user's come in please.

    whoops i meant the archives and faq furom sorry
  9. username.

    Kalkwasser user's come in please.

    i think in the tips furom theres a thread about driping kalk you should check it out
  10. username.

    Frogspawn trouble AGAIN

    your clowns could be loving it to death ive lost a huge colony of frogspawn to my clown when i first put him in my tank he loved like 6 heads right off the skeleton just like that the head heads just fell off 1 by 1
  11. username.

    cycling question

    i also have a biocube if your going to make mods to it later you might as well do it now before you get any livestock because you may disrupt the enviroment and may crash your tank depending on what you do(plus any mods that you could do to the biocube arnt to hard to do anyway) but good luck...
  12. username.

    cycling question

    just let it take its course and keep testing until the cycle has finished
  13. username.

    Just Started My SW Tank!!! HELP ME OUT!

    go and check out the fish desease and treatment forum and look at the stickys in there and you could also post some pics in there and some one with more knowledge could help you alot more than i could
  14. username.

    Just Started My SW Tank!!! HELP ME OUT!

    in the pics above i noticed some black spots on your clowns might want to keep an eye on that cause it could be black ick, or it may just be Hyper-Melaninization which they get from coral with stinging cells were the clowns in a tank with corals when you got them?
  15. username.

    Anyone heard of

    just for future reference your not supose to post links to other competitors sites
  16. username.

    need info on a slug

    probabaly a stomatella snail, algae grazer but they can reproduce rapidly google it and see if thats it
  17. username.

    Ick help!

    im not gonna be much help but id pm beth she would be able to tell you what is effective, if no one chims in here soon
  18. username.

    Golgi's 75 gallon reef diary

    that sand is so white it hurts my eyes lol
  19. username.

    Golgi's 75 gallon reef diary

    absolutly beautiful
  20. username.

    Newest Clownfish Release!

    kinda makes them look like gold fish