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  1. swamper

    3 leg starfish

    im goign to get a pic but i have serveal 3 legged star fish ne ideas on what they are and are they good or bad?
  2. swamper

    please help

    thank i buy one and see if i have ne better results
  3. swamper

    please help

    i have been doing water changes i live in the country so i dont have city water i have a deep well is that water bad for them or is it ok there is no chemicals in it as far as i know
  4. swamper

    please help

    i also forgot to tell yal i let the tank cycle for about 2 weeks before i added the damisels i added 4 at the time and lost one a couple of weeks after i think because all the other fish where pickin on it
  5. swamper

    please help

    its a 30 gallon tank it was all the way cycled but i have done a few water changes since i first put it up that want make it recycle? also i have marineland biowheel filter a red sea prizem entergizer and to level 2 powerhead the ones that look like eggs hydro kyloriai think is the name of them...
  6. swamper

    please help

    ok im haveing some serioulsy trouble and need some advice first off i have in my tank 1 false clown 3 blue damsials 1 coral banded shrimp and some golden poloys some green grass stuff not sure of its name 2 zinids and 2 neon green mustrooms i have trouble with my damsials both are turning white...
  7. swamper

    Help me please!!

    it started growing when i put it in the tank wasnt there before that and yes i do have plants in my tank
  8. swamper

    Help me please!!

    sorry i didnt even ask my question. can any of you lovely folks help me make out what this is?
  9. swamper

    Help me please!!

    i have had my tank setup for about 2 months now and started to notice something growing out of a rock that i got from my mother. she had the rock sittin and a box for about a year so nothing should have been living on it still i washed it off and put in my tank and now have this red coral lookin...