Search results

  1. kjensen69

    All I want for Christmas.....

    I'm looking to add a fish and cuc to my 70g tall FOWLR tank. I currently have a 1. Naso Tang 2. Allard Clown 3. Blue spotted jawfish 4. Banded coral shrimp Any suggestions
  2. kjensen69

    What Next??

    bluehead wrasse and bursa trigger
  3. kjensen69

    What Next??

    tank has been up for 8mo
  4. kjensen69

    What Next??

    I have a 70g tall tank with the following 1. 1 flame hawk 2. 1 wrasse 3. 1 trigger 4. 2 clown 5. 4 damsel 6. 1 dog faced puffer 7. 1 blue tang I would like to add a couple more. Any suggestion???