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  1. erk419

    Got some questions

    Do you know if you can get the 40 gallon breeder tanks from say petsmart that are already predrilled. I don't think I would trust drilling the holes myself it would probaly leak
  2. erk419

    Got some questions

    Will I have to drill any hole in the tanks
  3. erk419

    Got some questions

    Originally Posted by mboswell1982 no prob man, i dont plan on havin any corals in our 40g breeder, so im just goin with 36" 2x39w Nova Extreme T5HO X2 - (10K Daylight / 460nm Actinic) for like 80 bucks lol LOL yeah I just seen those when I was looking at the ones you suggested, those are some...
  4. erk419

    Got some questions

  5. erk419

    Got some questions

    Originally Posted by mboswell1982 40g breeder is the way to start out IMO, its got plenty of room for whatever you wanna do really, its nice an wide, and its not so tall that you gotta have MH lighting What lighting setup would you recommend for that tank? I'd like to get one were I could do...
  6. erk419

    Got some questions

    Thanks a lot for the info, I'll have to find out were the nearest one is to me!
  7. erk419

    Got some questions

    Thanks for the replies! I'll have to check tommorrow at my LFS and see if they carry those. They just opened a few days ago. I know they have a 40 long does anyone know the measurments on that and would that work?
  8. erk419

    Got some questions

    Its not really a budget issue right now so much as a space issue. I just don't want to spend 800 on a nano tank. If did just get a regular tank what size would you suggest and do you think in the end it would cost about the same as a nano, with the upgrades I would have to do on the nano that I...
  9. erk419

    Got some questions

    I posted a question last night in the beginners section and had many replies. Now I have narrowed down what I want so I'm coming here. First off I'd like to mention I'm not new to fish keeping but I am new to saltwater. I have 5 freshwater tanks running right now and I now would like to get into...
  10. erk419

    Tank Size Question

    Originally Posted by locoyo386 Does anyone have an opinion about the AquaPod? I have seen them go for around $220 W/O stand though. I believe they only come in 12g and 24g. My suggestion would be to post more exasctly what or where do you want to go with your tank. I have seen you can't...
  11. erk419

    Tank Size Question

    Originally Posted by mboswell1982 u dont need that particular light if u dont want corals :P the MH is really a coral only light LOL There is a huge price difference between the Solana and the biocube. I do want to have coral but I don't really want to pay 800 for it. When I can pay 300. Is...
  12. erk419

    Tank Size Question

    Originally Posted by ZShain012 34g for $303 The lights almost as much as the tank!
  13. erk419

    Tank Size Question

    Originally Posted by mboswell1982 email me at and ill give ya some links, we cant link to competitor's sites on here :P Thanks, I just sent you a e-mail!
  14. erk419

    Tank Size Question

    Originally Posted by Veni Vidi Vici If this is true and im sure it will be will need to add a addition to your home and go back to square one"Get the biggest tank you can" LOL your probaly right! Does anyone have a link or two to places that sell Solanas tanks. I found them for 799 with...
  15. erk419

    Tank Size Question

    So is the equipment that comes with the Solanas tank a lot better then what comes with the biocubes. I'm already addicted to fishkeeping in general so I know once I get into saltwater it will become even worse so I would like to have everything needed with one buy. Meaning I don't want to get...
  16. erk419

    Tank Size Question

    Originally Posted by LKGRenegade22 I had 5 freshwater tanks running with no room mysef and still I started with a 72. Now after a few weeks I have moved some fish and converted one of my 29's into a QT tank. Is there anyway you can convert one of your FW tanks? I've tried that and had...
  17. erk419

    Tank Size Question

    Originally Posted by Veni Vidi Vici It is true that bigger tanks are easier to maintain,but i don't see why you cant do a 29g biocube.Just start off slow.Regular maintenance schedule is the key.Water changes and keeping an eye on your water parameters.Its not as hard as some make it out to...
  18. erk419

    Tank Size Question

    I'm new to the thread not new to fishkeeping but new to saltwater. I really want to start a reef tank with fish and I've been reading different articles including the stickys on here. I'm in the process of starting a list of everything I will need and decided to start with the most important...