Search results

  1. dreamandscheme

    group of dwarf angels???

    2 of each, or just 2? my planned stock list includes harliquin tusk, fuzzy dwarf lion and a red zebra dwarf lion. i wanted to add something active and really like some of the angels.
  2. dreamandscheme

    group of dwarf angels???

    it would be an 85gal
  3. dreamandscheme

    group of dwarf angels???

    are there any dwarf angels that will thrive in a school??(besides coral beauties, don't really like them) i was mainly looking at the flame angel or the black nox. thanks in advance.
  4. dreamandscheme

    planned stocking list

    the ht is the #1 fish i want, so if i have to choose i would scratch the lions first. what about the fu manchu lions seeing they tend to stay on the bottom?
  5. dreamandscheme

    planned stocking list

    i'm planning on turning my 85gal. tank to saltwater. so far my list includes: harlequin tusk zebra lion fuzzy lion will these three work together?? maybe some suggestions for other mid water fish that will thrive with these? it would be a fish only tank w/sand and live rock. thanks in advance!