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  1. saltwaterj

    red lava rock

    Can you use red lava rock in an aquarium? is it safe? the bag says thatit is ok for use in ponds and aquariums.
  2. saltwaterj

    Red Lava Rock

    Can anyone tell me anything about using Red lava rock in a s/w. is it good, bad, seen a lot of different stuff on it. packaging says its ok for ponds and aquariums.
  3. saltwaterj

    Live rock question

    Phos level is.5 Alk level is 7 Sal level is 1.023
  4. saltwaterj

    Live rock question

    I have a 55g CC 30lbs of live rock coralife compact 108w 50/50 3 chromis, 1 fox face, 1 clown that has been running for 10 months..... Now my question when i bought my live rock it was a brownish green color with a few purple spots on it. After the tank was set up and ready to go the spots...
  5. saltwaterj

    Nanos in a 55

    Hello all, Im fairlynew at the whole saltwater thing have had a FOWLR for about 11 months and was going to look into getting some coral. Just a short maybe silly question but....... Would it be possible to use nano livstock in a regular 55g tank? Any info would be helpfull.