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  1. shaunna

    Current Sunpod Model 1064-Lunar Lighting?

    Ok, so I need to buy a plug, do I get that directly from company or other online source? Thanks! Shaunna
  2. shaunna

    Current Sunpod Model 1064-Lunar Lighting?

    I bought a 90 gallon tank off a guy on Craigslist and it included this Current Sunpod 48" Model 1064 that says it has Lunar lighting, but we cannot figure out how it works, and the manufacturer's website is no help at all. Theres another plus in it, are we suppose to have an extra plug in to get...
  3. shaunna

    Can fish ever survive the ******/ick without treatment?

    Well amazingly everything is still alive this morning, and looks pretty much the same, I'm thinking my orange false percula is very healthy as he still shows no signs of having anything on him. The black percula is still covered but alive, and the damsel looks fine too. I'm going to Reno...
  4. shaunna

    Can fish ever survive the ******/ick without treatment?

    I have a 90 gallon tank, which I just upgraded from a 60 gallon tank, so I didn't have to start seasoning the tank from scratch. I have live rock, 2 anenome's, not the greatest picture, but I'm attaching a pic of what my tank looked like less than a week ago. Since Sunday, I've lost 6 fish, I...