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  1. luichard

    Reef lighting combo

    I am upgrading my 75 to a 125 gallon. I plan on using 3/175 MH's and two 72" VHO's....My question is what bulbs would work best for a mixed tank. Also has any tried the 10K Blueline bulbs with VHO's
  2. luichard

    Tangs Tangs How many ?

    I have a 75 gallon reef tank. I currently have one clown , 3 green chromis. I'd like to add 2 tangs a Yellow and Purple. Is this a wise idea? Does anyone know if they are compatable? Any thoughts.
  3. luichard

    Tomato Clown Anemone ?

    Other than the bubble tip what type of anemone would a tomato clown enjoy?