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  1. honk

    Sebae Anenome Help

    My fish store said that they don't need extra feeding due to the photosynthetic nature of the stuff in them, but i'm reading conflicting reports everywhere that say they need extra food or they don't. I don't know the answer.
  2. honk

    Sebae Anenome Help

    Here are the photos. Thanks.
  3. honk

    Sebae Anenome Help

    Nitrate 12.5 Nitrite 0 ammonina 0 Calcium 440 pH 8.3 salinity 1.025 alkinlinity 15 phosphate .25 lighting is VHO (i think that's right, I'm faily new) in an 80 gallon tank and it's been set up for almost 2 months.
  4. honk

    Sebae Anenome Help

    Hello everyone, We just recently picked up our first anenome along with a pink skunk clown. For the first week or so, it seemed great. Most of the time it was fully displaying and the clown was doing fine. Now it seems to spend more time adjusting it's water content and shriveling. It has...