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  1. icebergsmoothi

    Show off your Clowns!

    yes they are that type of clown but they are big in that pic you can compare them to my bluehippo who is about 5 to 6" long so they are very healthy but nice ;)
  2. icebergsmoothi

    eliminating aiptasia

    i have always used pepermint shrimp i actually have 6 in my 55 lol but if they fail to get all use lemon juice in a syringe is all it does work and cheap too you will see them start disapearing fast i had around 100 in my 55 gal then after a month of pepermint shrimp i had half that then i...
  3. icebergsmoothi

    Show off your Clowns!

    Originally Posted by Rod Buehle Heteractis aurora it is a big rock anenemy is all it has to be i had one that was that size and almost same color but had a line of brown through it id becarefull mine turned to eating my fish i lost several gobiesdue to that thing lol so i got rid of it for...
  4. icebergsmoothi

    Show off your Clowns!

    new to this site and i have just ordered over 150$ so i could get that mystery pack of coral anyone ever get one of those and if so what type you get?im curious is all and here are the pics i forgot to add before lol
  5. icebergsmoothi

    Show off your Clowns!

    Here is a breeding pair i had for 2 years now but only bred twice but in thier own tank since i introduced them to this 55 tank they havent even seemed interested in reproducing lol but still stay together anywhere they go lol ! i love them they are really one of the best pieces in my aquarium!