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  1. red crab

    55 gallon reef tank

    Here is my wish list most of it will not be here till Dec due to my job. 48 Inch T5 LED moonlight. 5 blue reef chormis. fox face. candy cane coral. along with some other coral. another blue spot watch man goby. branch rock 10 more pounds and a six line wrasse. thats what the tank will look like...
  2. red crab

    DO NOT DO as Meowzer did :(

    sucks man blue chormis r nice fish
  3. red crab

    Purple reef lobsters???

    thanks ok
  4. red crab

    Purple reef lobsters???

    so a niger works? They dont have that genus?
  5. red crab

    Purple reef lobsters???

    non platioick mean?
  6. red crab

    Purple reef lobsters???

    Hi every one, Looking to take advantage of that pet places sale on inverts and buy a purple reef lobster! I want to know if i could keep any triggers with it? Or if i should get a dif lobster or not a lobster at all! The painted lobster is awesome but a little to big 4 a 55? right? Thanx Red crab,
  7. red crab

    algae died why?!!

    i do not have janitor's yet. But the algae is coming back. My heater went as well kill 2 of my chormis! The last one is doing great and eating. I will try getting water from a cup and putting it on a table next time. I did do a 10 gallon water change and the fish where fine until the heater went.
  8. red crab

    algae died why?!!

    I woke up one morning to find my tank water low(which is normal) and the algae almost gone! Not sure why it may have something to do with the test vile spilling in the tank. Its been a week and the fish are fine the coral is fine but the algae is almost gone! Any help would be nice!
  9. red crab

    Peppermint shrimp

    Never had a pep but my cleaner would tickle me like crazy!
  10. red crab

    Picasso (Huma Huma) Triggers

    Fun fish with lots of attitude! Be careful they are one of the less aggressive triggers but they are still triggers!
  11. red crab

    Stocking new tank

    Snow flake not in a 55. Marin betta should be fine they only get like 6 inches.
  12. red crab

    queen triggerfish

    I have only seen one in my life and it was not for sale. Just check around online and ur local fish stores. Who knows u might get lucky.
  13. red crab

    what the heck!

    I don't want one !LOL! I just wanted to think what u guys thought if it.
  14. red crab

    pearl scale butterfly or coral beauty pymg angel?

    thanks nice to see u are still on! refugum is a glass box on the back of my tank it is like a very small reef tank lots of algae and some rock its should help cycle. U should play urban rivals with me!!
  15. red crab

    pearl scale butterfly or coral beauty pymg angel?

    Hello everyone, I am back on the forms again! I need some help with my 55 gallon tank. So far I have a yellow deep sea coral and 3 green chormis. As far as filtration goes I have a 150 gallon protein skimmer a 70 gallon bio wheel and a 120 refugium. Every thing seems to be going fine the deep...
  16. red crab

    deep sea yellow gorgonian

    Yeah I just got a yellow one so we will see how it dose. Lets hope it dose well and I do have some phyto for it so it should be all right.
  17. red crab


    I agree with that is wrong,but what are you going to do.
  18. red crab

    Blue scorpion Leaf fish

    Thanks Saxman, Would a 55 gallon due.
  19. red crab

    what the heck!

    I was looking at some fish online at that fish They have freaking barracuda for 40$. You need freaking huge tank. The site says you only need a 200 hundred. I think that is outrageous and wrong to have such great and huge animal in a tank. Red crab, Here is a pic of the baby they offer
  20. red crab

    Blue scorpion Leaf fish

    Hi everyone, I know it's been a wile since my last post. But,anyway here is my questions. I have a 29 gallon with some live sand and live rock. I only have one fish witch is a 10 inch engineer goby. Could I have a red scorpion leaf fish in the same tank. Red Crab,