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  1. princefro

    diy overflow!!!!!!!!! check it out!!!!

    I was thinking about adding one of these overflows to my existing tank for more flow to my sump. My question to someone would be, Does piece "A" (inside the tank) have to be as long as it is shown on your diagram, can i just create a U and then pipe it over the back of the tank and keep the...
  2. princefro

    Hydor Koralia 2 Question!

    Thats funny. I too have a 55g and added a Koralia 2 today. I originally had the plans of adding another #2 in a few weeks from now, but I think I might now add a #3 instead. I figured two twos would do the trick, but i think that Im going to go with a #2 and #3 in my tank. I too noticed that...
  3. princefro

    Calcium/Alk Level Question

    I have had one blue line grouper for the past 2 weeks. He is about 4-5 inches. No signs of any problems. Great Color, Healthy Fins, clear eyes etc... (55gal w/ wet dry filter)
  4. princefro

    Calcium/Alk Level Question

    The tanks has always been mine, always saltwater. Just not the expectations that I have for It now. It has never been treated with copper or anything else. I am just trying to get everything perfect before going to the next step. Unfortunatly Im stuck and the "getting the snails to live in...
  5. princefro

    Calcium/Alk Level Question

    No I dont throw them out after an hour. They will move for an hour, and then never open their cover again. I usually remove them after a few days or so. I am starting to run out of options. The tank has been cycled for over a month now, with NO traces of NH3 anymore (for quite some time)...
  6. princefro

    Calcium/Alk Level Question

    or should I say, what metal test kits should I have to check on the tank. My acclimation was keeping the snails in the bag and adding a shot glass of water every 20 or so minutes and continuing for a few hours. I dont think its a food factor, because they are not going to starve in an hour...
  7. princefro

    Calcium/Alk Level Question

    WOW Awesome respond time Tech Team!!!! Um, Im not going to lie, but im using distilled/ treated top off water. What test kit should I get to check for the trace metals in the water supply. I was concerned about the calc levels because Im trying to get my coraline to take off in the tank. That...
  8. princefro

    Calcium/Alk Level Question

    Ok,. Im still trying to get my snail deaths in order, I have purchased a few more test kits to find where the problem lies. FOWLR tank eventually going to be a reef tank SG 1.022 Temp 79 NH3/No2 0 No3 5-10 alk 13dKH cal 400 PH 8.5-9 (cant tell b/c of similar colors on test kit, buying a new...
  9. princefro

    Help To Increase Flow to Sump

    Just wanted to get some ideas/ suggestions for increasing my flow to my sump filter. Heres a little important info: I currently have a 55 gal tank with a HOB overflow box plumbed with 1" PVC (with a few elbows) to my 15 gal sump. My return pump is a quiet one 3000. This Return line is also...
  10. princefro

    No AirBubbles???

    ahhhh i see
  11. princefro

    No AirBubbles???

    I have been doing a lot of research on this site to help me get up and running. So far everyone has been very helpful. I have noticed that there have been posts regarding that you shouldnt have an air stone or air bubble wall in your saltwater tank. For my own knowledge, why is this. How...
  12. princefro

    Light Timing Question

    well when i get to that point, i too would place them as high as possible. Thanks
  13. princefro

    Light Timing Question

    Thanks for the reply. Another question would be, do you turn on the actinic light an hour before the daytime light and vice versa to mimic sunrise and sun set, or would you just turn them both on and off at the same time?? Ps What a difference from just a standard florescent light. Picked up...
  14. princefro

    Light Timing Question

    Just purchased a new power compact florescent light 260W with 12,000K bulbs and acitinic bulbs also equipped with the blue moon lights. i guess my question would be how long does everyone run each particular set of bulbs. I have never had a light other than the one that comes with the...
  15. princefro

    Dead snails

    well, I think they are actually dead. Im going to let them sit tonight in the tank, if they dont show some sort of movement I will have to try again. That initial shock might have done them in. Would calcium and Kh levels play a factor?? Should I get a test kit to check for these levels??
  16. princefro

    Dead snails

    Thanks Joe and everyone who responded. I ran to the LFS to pick up some salt, i have been slowly upping the SG of the tank. Im up to 35ppt and 1.026SG. I placed the snails in a position where i could observe them better, some of their "feet" are starting to slightly emerge from thier...
  17. princefro

    Dead snails

    This site is awseome, thanks for the quick replies everyone. Umm I acclimated by placing the bag in the fishtank and added about 3 oz of water every 20 or 30 minutes over a few hours. As for the SG, I guess that can be raised by adding more salt?? Im new at this whole thing and was trying to...
  18. princefro

    Dead snails

    Got a quick question that hopefully someone could help me out with. I recently just cycled my tank sucessfully with the shrimp and it worked great. I had a damsel survive the whole thing. I recenltly returned from vacation to my cycled tank and decided to add a small amount of inverts to the...