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  1. shauna


    Yes... running a skimmer. I will try what you said. Thanks :)
  2. shauna


    I do use lotion, but as far as I know I haven't put my hands in with lotion on. I'm usually pretty careful about that. When I woke up this morning the tank was a lot cloudier with dead fish, all inverts still alive. I really can't figure out what could have happened. The only thing I could...
  3. shauna


    PH @ 8.0 Ammonia @0.0 Nitrite @0.0 Nitrate@ 10 Salinity @ 1.023 tank stays at 78 degrees
  4. shauna


    I should also note that all the fish were fine. I had fed them yesterday evening, they were actively swimming as usual. They looked fine as well.
  5. shauna


    OK, here's the background. I have an established 75 gallon tank, readings always great, never any problems whatsoever. Tank inhabitants were: Porcupine Puffer 3 False Percula Clowns Potter Angel Chocolate Chip Star Hermit Crabs Snails Last weekend my husband went to LFS and bought a Blue...