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  1. dbrown23

    Are these clown fish eggs?? Breeding Pair?

    do you know how long before the eggs hatch and what to do if they do for i have other fish in the tank.
  2. dbrown23

    Are these clown fish eggs?? Breeding Pair?

    I just notice in my 72 gallon tank a redish/orange group on a rock next to a anemone tht my clown fish have now adapted to. I think that it is eggs and they have now mated but im not sure. We have had the clown fish for 2 yrs but just got the anemone a month ago. Please let me know if the clowns...
  3. dbrown23

    Tang to Tang tank mate question

    i have a 72 gallon tank with a yellow tang and a salfin tang an they get along just fine. i had them both now for about a year together and they act as tho they are best friends so i guess it depends on the agression of the fish you get.
  4. dbrown23

    Need help fast!!! Purple Nudibranch added a week ago

    we added a purple nudibranch to our tank about a week ago and after seeing how diffucult they are to keep i have insisted my dad to remove it. He just ignores the fact to remove it. We dont have any sponges in our tank and it now it is starting to move across the tank which i think its looking...
  5. dbrown23

    Sump Filter foam overflow?

    my 72 gallon tank has white foam foaming over the top of the sump filter and not sure what is wrong with the tank any help would help