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  1. ryanpaul

    Anyone out there ever built a tank?

    I wonder how exactly the public aquariums with concrete tanks do it personally. I assume there is something that can be used to seal it, and I'd assume they would include room with a flexible seal to allow the concrete to expand/contract without breaking the glass... who know.. best of luck...
  2. ryanpaul

    Name Your Least Favorite Fish

    I think It's tough to name a Fish Species as a Fish I hate... I don't hate any particular Species of Fish.. But I do Hate Two specific Fish... Both of whom are fish for sale at the store I work at... A foxface Rabbitfish... This guy Is just never Happy... I know Foxface "bar up" and get...
  3. ryanpaul

    1,981,290 Gallons??!!

    I do Think I would kill for a chance to Dive in that Tank...
  4. ryanpaul

    Why would Satan hate you?

    I'll probably regret posting this... Nothing like religion and politics to get the masses at each others throat.. but AS far as the bible is concerned, in the scripture God killed 2,301,417 people (as actually recorded in the bible), though if your to count people killed by plagues, the...
  5. ryanpaul

    Stocking A 14 gallon nano...

    Thanks for all the opinions everyone, I'm currently out of town visiting relatives in California, But when I get back if all is well (have a friend watching everything at home) I'm going to go ahead and add a Ocellaris Clown. I'm going to give those two quite a bit of time before I think about...
  6. ryanpaul

    Stocking A 14 gallon nano...

    False Percula Clownfish=Amphiprion ocellaris, Ocellaris Clownfish. Gets a bit confusing with all the different names you see for them, but there one and the same. I'm also just as curious about if 14 gallons will be enough space for the clown and the damsel, both territory and bio load. I'd also...
  7. ryanpaul

    Stocking A 14 gallon nano...

    Those flame hawkfish do look very cool, but I do have a few snails and hermit crabs, and was thinking I may want some type of shrimp, (really wanted a coral Banded till I realized the tank was too small) and it looks like the Flame Hawkfish will eat hermits and snails as well as shrimp? I could...
  8. ryanpaul

    Stocking A 14 gallon nano...

    This was taken with a Cell phone camera, So its small and rather poor quality, But here's a picture of the tank, the fish is hiding, which it has decided is its favorite game to play..
  9. ryanpaul

    Stocking A 14 gallon nano...

    Thanks for all the suggestions, I'd honestly hate to have to Re scape my live rock, It took me the better part of the night I added it to get it how I like it... But I might be able to just play a bit of it without tearing it all down. I honestly really do Like the little damsel, And while I...
  10. ryanpaul

    Stocking A 14 gallon nano...

    Most of the sources I read before buying the Yellow Tailed Blue Damsel said it was a much less aggressive damsel? Anyone had any of these guys before?
  11. ryanpaul

    Stocking A 14 gallon nano...

    It's just one damsel, I was curious about the sixline, I found very differing opinions on minimum tank size for them, There is however plenty of live rock in the tank, and it ran for over 3 months without fish, so there's a surprising amount of microfauna, though of course I'd probably have to...
  12. ryanpaul

    Stocking A 14 gallon nano...

    Over the past, 3+ months I've been establishing what I hope will become a Nano reef, Currently it's home to quite a bit of live rock, inverts, both desirable and not, Down the road I hope to introduce Zoo's, Ricordia maybe, and maybe other more hardy corals. after a little bit of research I...
  13. ryanpaul

    Seachem Ammonia Alert?

    Anyone ever use the Seachem Ammonia Alert, the continuous ammonia detector? We sell them at work, and there sold on, every once in awhile I think about giving them a shot? The packaging says there for fresh and marine use? It says it detects less than 0.05 mg/L (ppm) free ammonia and...
  14. ryanpaul

    55-75 Gallon FOWLR?

    Well, Figured Since it's a saltwater Fish tank Forum There's not a huge interest in that... I do have one picture of taken over a year ago on my old cell phone camera. Pretty bad quality...
  15. ryanpaul

    55-75 Gallon FOWLR?

    While I'd love to setup a 125, And will Admit I am still tempted.. I am currently Living at home. My moms great about Not getting on my case too much about all the pets in my room, But she's not very hot on having animals in her living room, I agreed to Replace the Railings on the deck for her...
  16. ryanpaul

    55-75 Gallon FOWLR?

    Originally Posted by VinnyRaptor leave the freshwater tank alone and buy a new tank if you want another marine tank. 125 gallon long tanks are the best bang for the buck 125 Is a bit out of the question at the moment. Would take up too much Space, and Out of my budget. I'd like to just start...
  17. ryanpaul

    55-75 Gallon FOWLR?

    Thanks, Messed up on that part, The only way I'd move the Cichlid out is were I too Get a 75 Gallon Tank, I'm not putting him in a 12" wide tank, Frankly I like him more then Many of The saltwater Fish I'd be able to keep, And down the line Planned on Setting up a 75 gallon+ "Amazonia Tank" for...
  18. ryanpaul

    55-75 Gallon FOWLR?

    So, Suppose I should start with the back-story before I ask the questions, Currently the only saltwater tank I have at home is a 14 gallon fish-less tank, mostly inverts (crabs/worms/snails/and lots of "hitchhikers") that should eventually include some coral. I work at a pet-store, and today A...
  19. ryanpaul

    Anyone out there ever built a tank?

    I've no experience with building a tank from scratch, But I have looked into it a few times, From what I read anything DIY over 500 gallons It was suggested the tank be built In place from Concrete rather then Plywood. Your talking about a Tank that will weigh in excess of 4200 lbs once filled...
  20. ryanpaul

    4 inch hippo tang in 8 gallon tank

    Originally Posted by meowzer Is that number good for all of the U.S.? Yeah, ***** is based in California, So those are west coast hours, but the phone number itself is nationwide, The employee Hotline however does change.. Sad to hear the little blue didn't make it.. Hopefully If it happens...