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  1. ja

    bio wheels

    Are bio wheels really a source of excessive nitrates. I always thought the opposite. Ive got the emporer 280 and was wondering if it is not as good as I thought.
  2. ja

    crushed coral

    I was told that coral substrate needs to be replaced every two years because it gets clogged. Is this true and what would be a good option if I need to change it.(I've had the c.c. for about 3 years.) Thanks.
  3. ja

    skimmer only?

    Who thinks that just a skimmer would be fine for tanks between 55-90 gallons. Instead of a skimmer and maybe a power filter w/bio wheel together. Maybe add some live rock to just the skimmer set up to add a little more filteration. (Is a skimmer a better form of filteration than a power...
  4. ja

    vacuuming sand

    How much does vacuuming the crushed coral or sand bed distub or take away the benificial bacteria your tank. Do you have to do it lightly or can you get down into the sand without taking away anything benificial. Thanks
  5. ja

    red algae

    I have been having a recent problem with red algae. My nitrates have always been around 20 and phosphates are 0. I only have one fish in my tank. Every 3 days I have to stir up the gravel to get rid of the red algae. Does this upset the benificial bacteria in the sand. I have never had this...
  6. ja


    I have a question about tiny little "bugs" that I have been told are called copepods all over the glass in my tanks. Are they disease causing, how do you get rid of them? I these the same creatures that mandarin fish eat? They seem much to small for anything to eat them. Im worried they...
  7. ja

    live brine shrimp

    I was wondering if anybody could tell me if its ok to buy live brine shrimp. Drain them into a brine shrimp net and then let them in your tank. Thus letting your fish have a continous source of snack food. I was led to believe that as long as you don't introduce any of the water that the...
  8. ja

    Lights on 24 hrs/day

    It will also increase the chances of your fish getting a disease. Just think if you had to have lights on all day and night. Im sure you would not get as much rest and therefore be more prone to illness. Go to your local hardware store and buy a light timer, they cost about 4 bucks.
  9. ja

    Help my Porcupine please!

    My porqepine puffer is very picky. He will aways look hungry and he will eat to excess but if I dont give him what he likes he will nibble and not eat. At this moment all he likes is clumps of frozen brine shrimp and feeder guppies. He has spit our frozen silversides, shrimp, krill, and...
  10. ja

    Dogface puffer

    I agree with porkypuffer. I have a puffer and he is already about 5 inches. He eats everything from hermit crabs to fish the size of damsels to cocktail shrimp.
  11. ja


    I was wondering if anyone could help me on moving a tank from one house to another. Can I put the tank water in a trash can with a garbage bag in it. Or would the garbage bag contaminate the water. Also how much water should I keep. I expect the move to take about 6 hours. I have a...
  12. ja

    Snail Shell Question

    Sure. MIne did the same and I just left them in the tank. The fish ate the remains and I have additional shells fior new hermits or snails. You just went a extra precationary step.
  13. ja

    Getting very tempted to use copper!

    What porkypuffer said is absolutely right. I had an ick problem last year and I lowered my salinity level to 1.010 over the course of about a week and a half. Keep it at that level for 3-4 weeks. Slowly raise it back up to about 1.020. Its gets rid of ick and it has never came back. Like...
  14. ja

    picky,picky eaters

    frozen food is your best option. Brine shrimp that is frozen has essiential nutrients added to it. In addition, there is a great variety of frozen food to offer.
  15. ja

    active fish?

    A porqepine puffer and triggerfish would make short work of anything living in your reef tank. I have both alone in a tank and they eat just about anything including fish up to half the size of them.
  16. ja

    biological filteration

    I would really like to clear up some confusion on depletion of nitrifying bacteria. It is said that one needs to rinse there filter pads in saltwater so they do not kill the bacteria. I know it takes 4-5 weeks for the bacteria to grow and filter pads never last more than 2-3 weeks.(so how does...
  17. ja

    tangs + lionfish + puffer = compatible?

    I agree with the above post. Triggers are a great addition to a tank with a puffer. I have a porqepine as well as a piscasso trigger for color. I had a yellow tang a while back and puffer took a lethal bite out of him. The tang was fairly big about 31/2 inches. Triggers are aggressive like...
  18. ja

    convert fish to reef

    VHO bulbs are great for reef tanks. This stands for "very high output" and use a standard of 7 to 10 watts per gallon. These VHO bulbs enable you to mimic high intensity daylight that corals need.
  19. ja

    Ratio between fish size and gallons of water

    The general rule of thumb is 1" of fish for four gallons. So if you have a a 4 inch fish you will need 16 gallons for that fish. Also you need to measure the fish from before the tail fin to the tip of its nose. Not the end of the tail fin that will give you a little more leaway with the size...
  20. ja

    50 / 50s

    A 50/50 bulb is half daylight and half actinic blue. Your normal bulb that comes with a full tank setup is usually more of the yellow/red spectrum(daylight). 50/50 has half that and half blue/violet spectrum.