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  1. mrdebit1

    ohh no rid ich and feather dusters

    I have not moved the fish in another tank i was waiting to see what he looks like when i get home i have been at work all day. I was also hoping my cleaner shrimp would help out the situation. I did change my carbon filters though.
  2. mrdebit1

    what is this

    I have some of this black stuff that grows on my rocks and when i flake it away it is gray underneath. if i touch it kindda feels spongy i am pretty sure it would be some kind of algea but i cant find anything that will eat it. when i flake it away it just beaks apart and some of it attaches...
  3. mrdebit1

    ohh no rid ich and feather dusters

    ok so i had a fish that i suspected was getting ICH and well i tried to put some of that rid ich stuff in my tank and tried to be cautious about how much i but in and now all 3 of my feather dusters look like crap there fans are very skinny and dont have the tiny feathers that stick out on the...