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  1. tinman27

    Newbie Advice Needed

    Thanks for the advice I'll do some reading and decide on what kind of fish i can have.... if I decided to do a reef tank how many fish should i have in the 15 gallon tank. Also what kind of corals can I get with the setup I currently have. Thanks everyone for the help I swear eventually I'll...
  2. tinman27

    Newbie Advice Needed

    Thanks for the advice I am making sure to do lots of reading and research before I do anything so hope the nano tank will work out for me. If I get rid of the damsels what kind of fish would you suggest I get. I plan to have a good number of inverts and I know I want at least 1 clownfish. Thanks.
  3. tinman27

    Newbie Advice Needed

    Hey Everyone I am brand new to this hobby and wanted to get some advice. So far i have a pacific coast dms700 tank, 10lbs of live rock, a 3 striped damsel, blue yellowtail damsel, emerald crab, and 6 hermit crabs. The tank has been up for about 1.5 to 2 months and the nitrates have been around...