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  1. dodgers948

    Do I still need them??

    Ok so I am going to buy a 28 Nano Cube. It has the 150W Metal Halide HQI/14K light. It also comes with Four Integrated cooling fans (3000rpm`s) that will keep the canopy cool. My room will be about 78 degrees over the summer. Do you think I still need a chiller or will I be fine? Thanks for your...
  2. dodgers948

    Sorry Another Question! This one is better.

    also, do you think I need one for a 24 Nano if I perform water changes every week?
  3. dodgers948

    Looking to BUY!!!!!

    what size tank?
  4. dodgers948

    Looking to BUY!!!!!

    I am looking to buy a Nano Cube! Message me or post on here is you are selling anything at all and we will see if we can work something out! Thanks!
  5. dodgers948

    Looking to Buy!!!!!

    I am looking to buy a Nano Cube. Message me if you have anything and we will see if anything works out. You can also post on here.
  6. dodgers948

    Sorry Another Question! This one is better.

    What kind of protein skimmer do you recommend for a 24 Nano?
  7. dodgers948

    How Much Live Sand?

    Thanks I will look into that!
  8. dodgers948

    How Much Live Sand?

    How many pounds of live sand would I need for a 24 Nano Cube? Thanks for all your help!