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  1. jhunbj

    Need advice.

    1)Add driftwood to lower the pH, it depends on the location they came from(ex. Lake Malawi/ Tanganyika, Amazon..etc. 2) No, You can add catfish with them( ex. Synodontis Petricola, bristlenose plecos..etc.) 3)Take them out.
  2. jhunbj

    Saltwater noob need some good advice

    Hi everyone, just wanted some suggestions on what I need to know in setting up a FOWLR breeder tank. I know I will need to get X# of LR, heater, refractometer, test kits, protein skimmer, aragonite sand, 10K bulb, IO salt, QT(what size would u suggest?). Appreciate all the help and I thank u all...