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  1. azfishdude

    Need help with algae outbreak

    Did the water change saturday after blowing some of the junk off the rock to get it suspended in the water. Tried to suck some of the brown stringy junk off the sand to no avail. Put a filter pad in the skimmer to catch some of the junk I blew off the rock too so it wouldnt just go right back...
  2. azfishdude

    Need help with algae outbreak

    Ya, I'm going to be doing a water change tomorrow of about 20g after i try to vacuum up the junk on the sand. I've also been using this stuff called Phosphate Control from Blue Life. The owner of the LFS swears by it, so we'll see how it works. I was wondering about the bulbs and if I should...
  3. azfishdude

    Need help with algae outbreak

    New on the board but have a 125g reef tank going for almost 3 yrs now. Started to get red slime algae on the bottom in some areas, but also a brown stringy algae on the bottom and the rocks and its effecting the corals now too. The RO/DI water I was adding had a high TDS for awhile (90) before...