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  1. toxicemt

    vermetid snails

    I discovered today that i have vermetid snails. I was wondering if they are good or bad? Ive found mixed reviews so far and wanted to ask here. This post might of needed to go in under hitchhikers but thought i would try here. Sorry if this is in the wrong spot.
  2. toxicemt

    Ich outbreak, How long before I can move the fish back to the main tank?

    I am using cupramine and a seachem copper test kit. Right now the copper level is .30ppm after the first dose. the bottle says to give a second dose to get it to around .50ppm, in 48 hours after 1st dose. Tomorrow around 6p. the directions are a little vague as to what the propper dose may be...
  3. toxicemt

    Ich outbreak, How long before I can move the fish back to the main tank?

    Hey thanks, six weeks and the display should be fine. The copper treatment says to keep the fish dosed for 14 days. If i wanted 3 weeks instead would i just wait on adding the carbon to filter the copper out?
  4. toxicemt

    Ich outbreak, How long before I can move the fish back to the main tank?

    I want to know how long ich will last in a tank. Ive had my tank setup about 6 months and had no problems till now. Its a 90 gallon with 5 damsels(from the cycle),1 coral beauty,2 cleaner shrimp,1 emerald(hitchhicker),25 or so hermits and about a dozen snails,50 pounds of live rock and some zoas...
  5. toxicemt

    crab ID please

    I just found a hitchhiker crab that looks just like that one in you pics. Did you ever find out if it is a emerald or somthing else?