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  1. sarahg

    Arghhhh! I give up!

    Just to share, we just went through a huge Ick infestation whose origins are completely unknown. We lost 4 fish and in desperation I read through some of the coral and reef post even though I have FOWLR. There was a suggestion to try a fresh water dip on the fish. We did this to every fish in...
  2. sarahg

    Name The Fish You Can't Seem To Keep

    Copper Banded Butterfly. Had 2 go on hunger strikes, would not eat anything (bought them live brine shrimp, coral, nothing worked). When i got one that would eat well, we lost power and the tank went bad. WE now have a large generator for backup. :-)
  3. sarahg

    What do you feed sponges???

    I have a red and yellow ball sponge that i intended for my Queen Angel to eat, however, she shows no interest in eating them (sushi wrap sea weed is her favorite). I feel guilty just letting them starve (do sponges starve?) so I'm asking the community, how does one care for a sponge?