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  1. gim83

    Catalaphyllia disease ?

    After 1 month on top form,yesterday morning, I see my catalaphyllia in nasty state !!!! A part of the invisible polyps, full of strands mésentériques on the coat, and translucent slaver which gets free of it while he was on very good form ! No worms or the others harmful on the...
  2. gim83

    Algae invasion

    Hello spanko, thank you for this ID. Bob from saltcorner says the same thing : [hr] Thanks for your letter and from what I can see in the photos, you have low growing Galaxaura fastigiata, a calcified alga that has hard hollow cylindrical branches. There is nothing that I know of that eats...
  3. gim83

    Algae invasion

    Are the branches hollow? (like tubes)Yes Are the very tips a yellow in color? No Are the tips indented? No Do you know where the rock originated from? Indonesia, normaly... and for the full tank shot, i take it in 2 or 3 hours :D For this algae, perhaps Actinotrichia fragilis like this shot ...
  4. gim83

    Algae invasion

    Hello, first, excuse me for my bad english, i am french. I need help, because i have algae invasion, and nobody knows what it is. Please look the pictures : This algae is rigid, grows in bouquet and his color is purple. When you pull it, she breaks into small piece. Perhaps you have a name...