Search results

  1. bluecichlid

    OCELLARIS and PERCULA compatibility

    Do you have any personal experience with behaviour of clowns in a group of 3 or more which you might relate?
  2. bluecichlid

    OCELLARIS and PERCULA compatibility

    ok thanks for your input. I've read that in the wild they go in small groups with all besides the pair turning into non-reproducing males.
  3. bluecichlid

    OCELLARIS and PERCULA compatibility

    Please forgive if not on correct thread, etc, first timer posting, and also newbie clown fish keeper. I have 50 gal tank, no other fish. 1 day ago added 1 1/2 inch 'percula' clown (looks like ocellaris to me but no expert, LFS says percula). 1 day later I went back to same LFS wanting to add...