Search results

  1. jcarr18

    Anemones and light?

    I 'm not crazy about buying a new fixture and bulbs since I've spent alot of money up to this point. Are there some examples of anemones that will do well with moderate to low lighting. I'm currently running a 92 gal corner tank with a nice amount of live rock, 2 clowns, 2 yellow tail damsels...
  2. jcarr18

    Anemones and light?

    Do they all need strong lighting and flow/????
  3. jcarr18

    Starter Corals ?

    would those be not needing alot of light too?
  4. jcarr18

    Starter Corals ?

    What kinds of Corals are good to start with?? Is there any that don't need alot of light???
  5. jcarr18

    Starter Corals?

    What are the easiest or hardiest corals for a beginner??
  6. jcarr18

    How many fish can My tank hold?

    I have a 92gallon corner tank. I have some live rock and base rock. Typically, what am I looking at for the amount of fish this tank can hold comfortably????
  7. jcarr18

    What else can I add????

    right now its FOWLR. I'd like to add corals. 92gal corner
  8. jcarr18

    What else can I add????

    I have 1 Vermiculated Angelfish, 1 yellow tang(who is a little aggressive), 1 hippo tang, 2 clown fish, 2 yellow-tail damsels, 1 lawnmower blenny, 10 hermits and 1 cleaner shrimp. What can I add to my tank that won't upset what I already have?