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  1. se/salt

    c/c to live sand

    want to replace c/c to live sand. will tank need to cycle again.
  2. se/salt


    tank has been set up for 9 months crush coral. useing per spring water .
  3. se/salt


    brown /algae out of control. water perimeter all good. nitrate is a little high.
  4. se/salt

    setting up 20 gallon tank

    how much live rock to help cycle tank faster.
  5. se/salt

    Any Ohioans out there?

  6. se/salt

    nirate out of control

    nirate can not get nirate to drop down.any helpful hints.
  7. se/salt

    spring water

    spring water is coming from a spring well.
  8. se/salt

    spring water

    anybody use spring water
  9. se/salt


    nirate went out of control water changes done on a weekly basic. any helpful hints. 55 gal tank. yellow tangs, brown tangs, puffers. camel shrimps, 20 snails,15 hermit 35 pounds of live rock. 4 power heads,tank set up for almost 8 months.