Search results

  1. alstmi1

    UV Sterilizers

    I am looking for some suggestions on good sterlizers that dont break the bank. I am setting up a 75 Gallon reef tank and need some reccomendations on size and brand.
  2. alstmi1

    Killer Wrasse

    My Tank is a 55 gal, and I have 2 clowns, 2 tangs, the six line, and a tile fish. The six line and the flasher we introduced into the tank at the same time a week ago. He was fine until last night.
  3. alstmi1

    Killer Wrasse

    I have a six line wrasse, and did until today have a carpenter flasher wrasse. Randomly my six line attacked and killed the flasher, even though the flasher was twice his size. Anyone know why a six line would get so aggressive, and what other wrasse I can put in my tank that would be safe...