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  1. dean1956

    stingray questions

    They are all doing fine even the Blue and Yellow Spotted ones after a long battle to get them to eat. The California Rounds are allways tough as nails as I see it. They are a good beginer saltwater Ray IMO along with the Cortez which I don't see much of in the hobby. Mix their food up and dont...
  2. dean1956

    cortez/round stingray care

    That substrate does need to go, way too course for Rays. The only problem with mixing in fine grade sand is that it will end up on the bottom and still have the courser on top ( I tried )and as Meowser said it will need a bigger tank soon, I had 2 - 2 1/2" pups in a 55 for about three months and...
  3. dean1956

    stingray questions

    I use a combination of oolite (real fine) and special grade reef sand for my Rays but oolite is the way to go with them. Even though the other is not real course it can still cause problems for sensitive Rays like Blue Spots which I have one and she has worn down the corners of her pelvic fins...
  4. dean1956

    Remember my Stingray :)

    most public aquariums can give the best care to aquatic life since they have the funds and resources
  5. dean1956

    Remember my Stingray :)

    Quote: Originally Posted by Beth Well, can't say I like treatment that results in so much trauma....especially on an animal that is not sick.. Oh well. Don't you go in for check ups at the Doc even if you're not sick? I do
  6. dean1956

    smooth hound sharks?

    I took the yellow ray out so I could get a better pic because she goes to the opisite side of the tank when I am there but the pic is bad anyway.
  7. dean1956

    smooth hound sharks?

    Quote: Originally Posted by meowzer DEAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!....How are the rays???? Healthy and finely eating on their own!!
  8. dean1956

    smooth hound sharks?

    I know i am late to chime in on this but smoothhounds will need alot of room and a tank with corners is not good for free swimming sharks. A shark that would get even 3' long should be in a pool/pond of 12' dia. If you have time and patience you can keep a Blue Spotted Ray but it takes work to...
  9. dean1956

    maybe shark,ray tank

    I agree with those above, a 250 gallon would'nt be enough for a Ray for life, a blue spot ribbon tail could live in there for a couple of years but they are a hard ray to get to adjust to captivity. Personally I think Rays should be in round pond/pools or a very large footprint aquarium like...
  10. dean1956

    Ribbon Tail Blue Spot Ray

    Just a update, she is eating squid, shrimp, mussels on her own and doing good
  11. dean1956

    Ribbon Tail Blue Spot Ray

    Quote: Originally Posted by plastercracker in 35 years i have never seen one last in captivity. i have had better luck with a ribbon eel and that is hard to do. There's a guy on another forum that has had his (2) for over 2 years now. Shedd Aquarium in Chicago grows them quite large and breeds...
  12. dean1956

    Ribbon Tail Blue Spot Ray

    Quote: Originally Posted by Kylev Good luck with the new ray, I would love to have one myself but lack a lot of the necessary experience to keep one alive. Well I think these Rays are ones that should be left in the ocean, theres not many that keep them alive other than public aquariums and a...
  13. dean1956

    Ribbon Tail Blue Spot Ray

    Well, for another week or so to fatten her up some, she was pretty thin, she can eat on her own but the Cali's get to the food before she has a chance to get much but once she's a little stronger I think she will be fine.
  14. dean1956

    Ribbon Tail Blue Spot Ray

    Well I said I would never own a Blue Spot Ray unless someone else had it for a while and it was eating and healthy, so I posted on Craigslist for just that and I got a reply from a man that said he had them for 2 years and that they were 8" accross so i drove an hour to get them. They were more...
  15. dean1956

    Wilma meeting Bradon

    Originally Posted by meowzer AWWWWW how cute.. hey are the rays doing? They're doing great all 6 of them but no hanky panky, so no pups on the way as far as i know. I haven't read of anyone having success breeding in captivity YET
  16. dean1956

    Wilma meeting Bradon

    Just a couple of pics of Wilma the stingray meeting our youngest grandchild's feet and he loves the rays.
  17. dean1956

    A few more for Wilma

    Originally Posted by meowzer They look great Dean.....makes me miss mine :( But I know she is in a bigger and better place :) you can allways talk you're husband into that ray pond that will be in your ray pond room addition
  18. dean1956

    A few more for Wilma

    I now have all that I want for a while so I will see (or not) if they will mate, there are 2 males and 4 females of mature size from what I have been reading and seem to be happy and getting fat and have become very tame, so here's a little video...
  19. dean1956

    A few more for Wilma

    Neither of them made it , probably will never order them online again since i cant see what shape they're in before i buy. Did buy 2 more last week from a wholeseller that let me come to his place and pic them out of about 20 rays and saw them eating...
  20. dean1956

    Anyone out here feed earth worms?

    I wouldnt do the earthworms either in a saltwater tank, there are plenty of alternatives