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  1. dcfishguy99

    45 Gal Tech Tank Diary

    I changed my MH again and went with an Ushio DE 10K bulb. It has a slight blue tint but is mostly white. It really makes the colors pop. I also picked up a new Canon D10 underwater camera. Here are a few pictures from inside the tank. The colors of the clams are great.
  2. dcfishguy99

    45 Gal Tech Tank Diary

    Green Torch Coral: Side View Candy Candy Feeding at Night:
  3. dcfishguy99

    45 Gal Tech Tank Diary

    ORA Blue Voodoo: Full Tank Shot Fall 2009 ORA Blue Maxima Clam: Purple Acro:
  4. dcfishguy99

    45 Gal Tech Tank Diary

    I am stuck in the house due to all the snow so I figured I post a few more pictures. July 2009: I picked up a 1st grade blue maxima clam from ?? SPS I got from the LFS Green Slimer This Pink Goniopora was dieing at the LFS so I picked it up for 15 bucks. After about a...
  5. dcfishguy99

    45 Gal Tech Tank Diary

    From July 2009: My First two Fish: A cool night time shot of my Green Ricordea: Green Candy Cane: Blue Clove Polyps: Leather Tree:
  6. dcfishguy99

    45 Gal Tech Tank Diary

    I started my tank back in May 2009 but never got around to starting a tank tread on this site. I figured that I would start with my early pictures and post a few new ones each day. Let me know if you have any feedback. I had a saltwater FOWR in college but never attempted any corals. I went...
  7. dcfishguy99

    Nike's 10g Nano.

    Great Acans! Do you spot feed them anything?