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  1. jgmbtech

    stock question

    thank you guys for the information, i guess the only reason i chose the damsels was that they were the cheapest in price as tester fish for my tank. i have a new question though, ive noticed a wierd hairy growth starting to form on one of my LRs. here are a few pictures, can anyone ID this...
  2. jgmbtech

    stock question

    i have a 38g with an eclipse 3 i also have a protein skimmer and a k1 powerhead. i currently have 2 yellowtale blue damsels, percula clown and clean-up crew consisting of 5 turbos, 8 small hermits and a med size cleaner shrimp.. anyway id like your opinions on great community fish choices.
  3. jgmbtech

    38g stocklist

    Originally Posted by small triggers your not maxed out ,, ,but in 6 to 8 months you will need to upgrade or get rid of the 2 fish you have in their. Porcs grow big and fast... Example, i had a 35g w/ a 20g sump and a ASM mini g skimmer (that is the only reason i am using myself as an example...
  4. jgmbtech

    38g stocklist

    Originally Posted by skate020 honestly, 38g isnt that big. as you have already admintted. so if im honest, you really should only get 1 more fish, maybe 2 if you really want. but they wont be as healthy as if you get 1 more. the tank may look boring atm if the fish are small, but in time those...
  5. jgmbtech

    How aggressive are Humu Picasso Trigger Fish???

    here is mine, when i first put him in my tank he was mean to my clown (was bit smaller than him) to the point i had to remove the clown and put him in my friends tank. so if you do happen to get an aggressive one be careful what you put in with him, especially after him.
  6. jgmbtech

    38g stocklist

    recently purchased a 38g(dont knock on the size im new and experimenting at this point). i have the eclipse 3 setup modified and fitted a red sea prizm(working great)a koralia 1 powerhead and about 30lbs of live rock. i currently have a 8 small hermits, 3 turbos, 2.5" humu and a 3" porc puffer...