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  1. oflowo

    my 24g build thread :D

    pics of my giant green carpet anenome. and my new eagle eye frag
  2. oflowo

    my 24g build thread :D

    thanks! ill start hunting down good specimens at my LFS. a couple days ago i bought a huge carpet anenome. pictures will be up soon when i get out of class. its called an aquapod, 24g :D
  3. oflowo

    my 24g build thread :D

    new update! well i figured out the clarity issue. since then i have purchased a few small pecies of live rock (so exspensive) and some reel rocks. and a couple of pecies of dead coral i have brought back from he beaches of mexico. anyways. have around 10 hermit crabs and going to get some snails...
  4. oflowo

    24g aquapod lighting questions

    so this is my second time setting up my 24g aquapod, the last time it got an infestation of the "weed coral" not really sure wha tit was called but it got everywhere and was unstopabale lol. after i moved out i couldent bring the tank with and so it slowley lost everything. luckily i got the...
  5. oflowo

    my 24g build thread :D

    so as you can see i have a fresh start towards my new tank. problems so far is clarity. i have done two seperate 90% water changes to try and get aoot of the floating particles that wouldent settle and is still very unclear. this is mainly due to my freind (who works at a very nice LFS) told me...