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  1. imclownfish

    Lighting for 29G

    Flower- ok i guess i could always remove a heater if necessary, i will look into that option Meowzer- it is the standard 29G, so 21" high, were you using 24W or 39W bulbs? Thanks to both of you
  2. imclownfish

    Lighting for 29G

    i would have gone with a MH, except that I want to reduce electricity costs and try to avoid buying a chiller for the tank, because wont a 175W give a good amount of heat to a 29G tank? With the two 96W pc's I temporarily have over the tank, i have 80F.
  3. imclownfish

    Lighting for 29G

    Hello, I was wondering what type of lighting would be ideal for a 29G tank, with sps and lps. Would you go with a 6x39W bulb or 8x 24w t5 bulb fixture?
  4. imclownfish

    PC vs T5

    thanks guys, i have been trying to decide for a light fixture for a while, i will look into the sunpower and a tek.
  5. imclownfish

    PC vs T5

    ok thanks, another question, between a 72 " current nova extreme pro which has 12x39W or 2 48" Sun Blaze 48 8 lamp fixture which would you pick for a 125G with sps and clams,the nova has less watts but includes seperate switch for actinic and daylight lights with a timer. The sunblaze has one...
  6. imclownfish

    PC vs T5

    Hello, Between a 6 bulb 96W PC fixture and a 12x39WT5 fixture, which would be better for keeping sps and clams? The fixture would be for a 125G tank.What are the advantages and disadvantages of T5's vs PC's? Thanks
  7. imclownfish

    Big Phosphate Problem

    Originally Posted by Flower Rinse your frozen foods in RO water after you thaw it out, I had high phosphates and Meowzer told me to use a fishnet and do that...boy did it make a difference. thanks flower, i will try that Originally Posted by SCSInet HAHAHAHAH where then do they propose it's...
  8. imclownfish

    Big Phosphate Problem

    Absolutely. Phosphates are that high because they were introduced. I don't know how big your tank is, but removing that much phosphate with absorbing medias can be an expensive proposition. Generally, phosphates come from one of three places... water, salt, or food. Do you mix your own...
  9. imclownfish

    Big Phosphate Problem

    Hello, I had a mega phosphate problem, 3ppm, i am currently trying to decrease the phosphates urgently because of the corals i have in my tank which are not doing that good. What media do you suggest to use to remove the phosphates? I have already tried 2 littles fishies phosban, which did not...
  10. imclownfish

    Crosshatch Trigger

    yes you are right, i googled female bluejaw, it is a female bluejaw, thanks guys
  11. imclownfish

    Crosshatch Trigger

    My LFS had a small (3") crosshatch trigger for 50$, is that a good price?
  12. imclownfish

    convert marineland c-160 into fluidized bed filter

    i completely agree with you. Im still new to the hobby and learning.
  13. imclownfish

    convert marineland c-160 into fluidized bed filter

    i was just thinking of different ways for a diy FBF. Guess this one is not so good
  14. imclownfish

    convert marineland c-160 into fluidized bed filter

    ^could i do it if i removed all media and put live sand?
  15. imclownfish

    Freshwater substrate

    thank you for info, aragonite it is then :)
  16. imclownfish

    Freshwater substrate

    just regular sand from the bag
  17. imclownfish

    Freshwater substrate

    I am converting a freshwater tank to a saltwater tank. Could i use the freshwater substrate(sand) in my saltwater tank?
  18. imclownfish

    The things we do for our fish

    I have a bullseye pistol. The link to part ofthe show is here. I don't remember the full show.
  19. imclownfish

    The things we do for our fish

    Originally Posted by cbj84b thats amazing... one day mine with be that big... have you seen a video on youtube of one that looks to be fully grown? anyways I picked up a pistol shrimp today and now I'm worried because there was this thing on the discovery channel that said they can break...
  20. imclownfish

    Mantis Shrimp Forum?

    Hello, The number of people who have mantis shrimp tanks is growing. I myself am going to set up a mantis tank. Would it be possible for you to make a MAntis Shrimp section in the forums, to make information easily accessible and sharable? Thanks.